Friday, August 28, 2020
Critical Literature Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Basic Literature Review - Essay Example In this way, they ought to be shielded and ensured under all conditions. Additionally, the most ideal approach to ensure them is to get them far from the public activity, bolted inside the dividers of the house for the remainder of her lifetime (Brã ¼ckner, pp. 44-46, 2004). There are such a significant number of models everywhere throughout the world and since the commencement that show the sexual orientation dissimilarity, sex imbalance, sexism, or separation of sexes. In spite of the way that over the previous decades, the circumstance has improved a piece yet at the same time there is far to travel. It is exceptionally hard to discuss an existence where there would be equivalent open doors according to sexual orientation (Pasero, pp. 219-228, 2003). Actually, this is for all intents and purposes difficult to actualize all around the world. There are a few explanations behind this solid yet unpleasant supposition. We experience a daily reality such that, deliberately or unknowingly, we have made some solid and unalterable social observation and viewpoint of sexual orientation. Truth be told, sex isn't only an image of any one’s conceptive job however it has become an image and determinant of one’s conduct, mentalities, and job desires (Tomm, Hamilton, Mackie and Calgary Institute for the Humanities, pp. 159-167, 1998). For instance, a female teacher, if reports that she would be late for a class or would not have the option to show up the following day; this announcement from her would not get such an extensive amount consideration if a similar articulation is advanced by a male instructor. As a matter of fact, in the wake of hearing the equivalent from the dad we would begin contemplating various things and would make different suspicions in out brains. That he would be a single parent, or might be he is excessively pleasant or might be his better half is excessively occupied wi th other stuff. This happens in light of the fact that as people experience childhood in human social orders they rapidly find out about their jobs and anticipated practices (Chaneles, pp. 85-92, 1984). For instance, the two men
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Karl Marxs Estranged Labor Essay example -- essays research papers fc
Karl Marx's Estranged Labor In Karl Marx's initial composition on "estranged labor" there is an unmistakable and winning spotlight on the situation of the worker. Marx's composition on antagonized work is an endeavor to draw an unmistakable differentiation between land owners and laborers. In the composing Marx contends that the laborer gets alienated from his work since he isn't the beneficiary of the item he makes. Therefore work is externalized, that is work turns into the object of keeps an eye on presence. As work is generalized man gets disappointed and subjugated. Marx contends that man becomes to be seen as an item worth just the work he makes and man is further decreased to a remaining alive creature bereft of any limit of opportunity aside from the will to work. For Marx this all prompts the development of private property, the foe of the working class. Truth be told Marx's composition on irritated work is a revocation of private property-an admonition of how private property subjugates the specialist. This composition on alienated work is a conspicuous purpose of reason for Marx's Socialist Manifesto. The motivation behind this paper is to see Marx's idea of estrangement (antagonized work) and how it limits opportunity. For Marx man's opportunity is surrendered or in actuality wrested from his actual nature once he turns into a worker. This procedure is completely clarified all through Estranged Labor. This examination will uncover this procedure and contend it's legitimacy. Appendant to this investigation on distance there will be a smaller scale study which will endeavor to determine Marx's perspective on opportunity (for example positive or negative). The investigation on distance in combination with the miniaturized scale concentrate on Marx's perspective on opportunity will help not just uncover why Marx feels work limits keeps an eye on opportunity, yet it will likewise recognize precisely what sort of opportunity is being restricted. Karl Marx recognizes irritated work as work outsider to man. Marx clarifies the state of offended work as the consequence of man partaking in an establishment outsider to his inclination. It is my understanding that man is distanced from his work since he isn't the gatherer of what he plants. Since he is never the beneficiary of his endeavors the worker needs character with what he makes. For Marx at that point work is "alien to the worker...[and]...does not have a place to his fundamental being." Marx recognizes two expla... ...gative freedom. He states "...[private] property is...the option to appreciate ones fortune and discard it as one will; without respect for other men and autonomously of society." Private property for Marx is the component by which man can be discrete from other men and seek after his (negative) freedom. Marx's works on alienated work and in The Communist Declaration are an away from of private property. What can be found at that point is that Marx doesn't support negative freedoms. Negative freedoms require private property to exist and private property is for Marx the enslaver of the working class. With negative opportunity dispensed with from the conversation we are left with Positive or endorsed opportunities. Positive opportunity, as was distinguished previously, is the opportunity to seek after indicated alternatives. That is, opportunity to do certain things. Man isn't really given a decision of what these alternatives are, he is basically allowed to seek after them whatever they might be. Positive opportunities at that point are the opportunities Marx likely wishes to maintain by decrying alienated labor.Bibliography Book reference 1Marx, Karl, The Early Marx, 2Marx, Karl and Engles, Freidrich, The Communist Manifesto, London, England, 1888
Online Spatial Delivery System Management
Questions: The Department of Spatial Information (DSI) has considered your appraisal of the organization model, hazard the executives and security issues for the Online Spatial Delivery System (OSDS). They have concluded that they need an extra evaluation on the specialized administration and the SLA. You have been appointed the undertaking of furnishing DSI Executive Management with an evaluation of the administration prerequisites and the arrangements of the SLA for the picked cloud merchant. You are to: 1. Talk about the prerequisites for remote organization, asset the executives and SLA the board. It might be valuable to consider Morad and Dalbhanjans operational agendas for DSIs OSDS. This area ought to be close to a few pages long. 2. Talk about quickly how you will think about application strength, reinforcement and fiasco recuperation for your picked supplier corresponding to OSDS. This segment ought to be close to a few pages long. 3. Use Erls SLA rules to evaluate the SLA for your picked supplier. This area ought to be close to a few pages long. 4. Give a covering one to two page official outline of these two evaluations to DSI Executive Management and sum up the significant chances and dangers that have been recognized in your appraisals. Answers: Presentation Online Spatial Delivery System (OSDS) should be moved to a cloud based stage for the entirety of the administrations that are secured by it. Stage as a Service (PaaS) is the model that has been suggested for the undertaking and it is a model that gives a stage to the structure of and getting to of the applications (What is PaaS?, 2016). Remote organization, asset the executives, SLA the board, application strength, reinforcement and catastrophe recuperation are the segments that are engaged with the OSDS and its movement on the cloud. Every one of these substances assume a noteworthy job in the fruitful usage of distributed computing to OSDS. Remote Administration Remote Administration is the arrangement of procedures which permit the director undertakings conceivable from a remote area (, 2016). The utilization of the equivalent to OSDS isn't urged because of specific downsides that are related with it. Adaptability of the devices is the main issue that is seen. The majority of the devices don't scale appropriately and the administration of the equivalent turns into an entangled procedure for the remote overseer. Associations utilize different working frameworks to permit the entrance and improvement of the administrations and applications. These working frameworks are spread over the PCs just as those particular to the cell phones. For instance, Windows, Linux, Blackberry, iOS, Android and Symbian are a portion of the working frameworks that the associations work upon. The administration of these and the multi-stage support is a monotonous undertaking for the remote executive. Issues, for example, encryption, verification, get to control and approved access are additionally regularly found if there should arise an occurrence of the structures that have remote organization actualized (, 2016). Asset Management The key players in any of the undertaking are its assets, Success or disappointment of the venture to a great extent relies on these benefits and the administration of the equivalent is in this manner a significant and an exceptionally noteworthy assignment. A portion of the significant assets that are related with OSDS are as recorded underneath. Entrepreneur Top Level Management Project Owner, Database administrator, Network administrator, Operations head Improvement and configuration group Testing group IT Support Systems administration group Correspondences group A portion of the essential inquiries are recorded beneath which need to have their particular answers before the usage and relocation process starts. What is the asset labeling procedure that is deveoped for OSDS? What is the structure and levels engaged with the inward supervisory crew? How are the assets chosen and apportioned for various ventures? How are the assets dealt with if there should arise an occurrence of early conveyance or postponement in conveyance? Is there adequate metadata and administration explicit cases for the assets? (, 2016) There are various focal points for asset the executives as: Incorporated archive can be kept up to keep the entirety of the data around the assets at one signle place which would make it simpler to oversee and get to (Project Resource Management Benefits | Innotas, 2016) Abilities of the workers can be evaluated in a greatly improved manner There are no concealed strategies between the worker and the business with respect to asset assignment Time sheet the executives and change the board gets helpful (Singh, 2013) There is a harmony that is made between the workers, boss, HR offices and the organization objectives (Human Resource Management (HRM) - obligations, benefits, 2016). Better comprehension of the representatives and their abilities would bring about better and improved asset usage prompting better proficiency and efficiency. SLA Management SLA represents Service Level Agreement that is an understanding or an agreement that is marked betwwen the gatherings included that is the specialist organization and the end user.For OSDS, SLA is marked between the cloud specialist co-op and DSI. OSDS depends on distributed computing which utilizes shared assets. The essential level for this situation is Service based SLA (Bose et al., 2011). If there should be an occurrence of OSDS, SLA Management would be founded on the accompanying variables: The arranged and settled upon administration plan betwwen DSI and the cloud supplier Flexibly chain supervisory crew The obligations that are appointed to the group and the individuals associated with the venture Administrations that are given by the inside accomplices, if material All the releavnt subtleties around the administration, for example, the depiction, cost and highlights Elevated level procedure stream outline covering basic achievement factors and procedures Execution markers (, 2016) What's more, an agenda can be readied which can be utilized as a device for all evaluation pruposes for example measureing the sepcific cloud arrangement which is to be sent. For the given situation, Amazon Web Services can be utilized as cloud cpluting administration for DSI. The agenda is as per the following: Accreditations of a particular client are given by AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). After reinforcement and recuperation choices are comprehended, Amazon Elastic Block store utilizes a proper stockpiling type. Dynamic IP tending to will be utilized by AWS when Application segments will begin. For utilizing Operating Systems and to satisfy database necessities, Amazon EBS volumes are utilized. Back up of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud will be done specifically interims with the assistance of EBS depictions. Amazon Machine Images are utilized to test the Recovery Process of Amazon EC2 occurrences in indicated interims. Arrangement of Critical segments of an application is done over zones with the assistance of Elastic Load Balancing. Procedures for patches, security and updates for OS, AMI administrations and applications are tried time to time. Access qualifications are utilized by working framework and no sharing is took into account private keys of AWS case. As indicated by the topology of chain of command, the principles of security are applied for a gathering. Mapping of DNS with Elastic Load Balancing is utilized by CNAME records. Installed key sets and the approved key records which are a piece of Confidential and delicate data are erased. Before the AWS-facilitated application is propelled, it is acceptable to test its presentation. AWS believed consultant reports ought to be fused. AWS represents creation are finished paperwork for big business support. Application Resilience There are a sure High Availability (HA) necessities and details that are related with OSDS. These prerequisites can be met by DSI with the assistance of a great deal numerous means which incorporate utilization of different accessibility zones in a particular area, adjusting of the heap, programmed scaling of apparatuses and applications, opportune evaluating and information recuperation. It is required to guarantee that all the basic regions and single purposes of disappointments ought to be painstakingly surveyed. The methodology would incorporate the accompanying: Structure and arrangement of an application around adaptation to internal failure in cloud that would guarantee total unwavering quality and openness of data consistently Joining of the accepted procedures and rules Appropriate and exact information stockpiling choices Cloud design Information Storage and Backup There is an enormous information the OSDS would need to deal with on an every day premise. There are instruments that are accessible to accurately oversee and store this information. Two of such Big Data instruments are as portrayed beneath: Hadoop It is an open-source apparatus that has been written in JAVA lnaguage. It is apparatus that is financially savvy in nature and furthermore can deal with a huge number of terabytes of information without hardly lifting a finger. It depends on circulated document frameworks which makes it quick and adaptable in nature. Adaptation to internal failure is another component that comes convenient with Hadoop (ITProPortal, 2013). Hyperscale Storage Architecture Direct-Attached Storage (DAS) is utilized by this design for dealing with the information. In the event that a segment endures a breakdown the remaining task at hand flops over to another hub and the whole unit is supplanted instead of simply the segment inside. Hyperscale is utilized to handily store and deal with the Big Data over a few distinct conditions (ComputerWeekly, 2016). Calamity Recovery There are a lot of dangers identified with the administrations of cloud and legitimate measures ought to be taken so it may not influence and bringing back the administrations. Following are the measures should be adjusted for staying away from the dangers and recouping from the dangers: Deterrent Preventative measures are the significant proportions of security that ought to be there in each association. For e.g., antivirus ought to be utilized, firewalls must be set up, and physical estimates like passage focuses having watch must be utilized. Receptive The
Friday, August 21, 2020
Determining the Stoichiometry of Chemical Reactions Sample
Deciding the Stoichiometry of Chemical Reactions Paper Mole proportions are utilized as transformation factors among items and reactants in numerous science issues. The ideal proportion, which is the psychometric proportion in the condition, arm the best measure of item, and, if the response is exothermic, produce the most warmth and greatest temperature change, Double substitution responses are commonly viewed as irreversible. The arrangement of an insoluble encourage gives a main thrust that causes the response to continue one way as it were. In a twofold response, the two reactants which are watery arrangements (which can be separated), can frame two items one additionally a fluid arrangement, and another which can be an encourage, water, or a gas, which can't be separated, in this way making the response irreversible. The goal/objective of this research facility is to locate the ideal mole proportion for the development of a hasten in a twofold substitution response and utilize this data to anticipate the synthetic equation of the accelerate. In what capacity can the results of a twofold response be anticipated? Before the clock was begun, every one of the arrangements in the test tube was blended/blended in with a huge mixing bar. This guaranteed both the reactants blended appropriately. Subsequent to blending the arrangements, perceptions were noted for any indications of synthetic changes. The blends were to be left for 10 minutes (a clock was utilized) to sit undisturbed, in light of the fact that any development of the test cylinder could cause an impediment in the settlement of the hasten. In spite of the fact that each test tube was left undisturbed for 10 minutes, last perceptions were made after the arrangements were left to sit undisturbed for 24 hours. We will compose a custom exposition test on Determining the Stoichiometry of Chemical Reactions explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Determining the Stoichiometry of Chemical Reactions explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Determining the Stoichiometry of Chemical Reactions explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer After the 24 hours of settling, the volume of the accelerate in each test tube was estimated and recorded. For test tube with graduations, seeing the numbers at eye level made the counts, yet for test tubes without any graduations an alternate strategy was utilized to gauge the volume of the encourage. First another test container of a similar size was discovered, at that point utilizing a pipette, Mil of water was estimated in a ml graduated chamber, and afterward filled the comparative size test tube. Utilizing a dark marker graduations were composed on the test tube. Graduations up to ml just were made.
Reflective Analysis Of A Students Induction Week
Intelligent Analysis Of A Students Induction Week Intelligent Analysis has increased an elevated level of acknowledgment in advanced education, it is presently used to structure understudies learning capacity, Reflective Analysis as helped me to have the option to investigate and survey present and past occasions, circumstance and experience. Ann Mathews (2007) express that it is a way whereby an individual end up being self free in order to have the option to tackle issues the reason for reflection relies upon speculation, this arrangements with trying all the accomplished information from scholastic and hierarchical condition, its additionally manages the aptitudes and capacity that an individual needs to pass these accomplished data to another person with the point that the individual with hit upon the data sensibly. Kolb (1975) express that when an individual thinks of thoughts and re-evaluate old information into adapting anyway it additionally manages turning or re-cycling old and new experience learnt into information to utilize them for future purposes this is a significant viewpoint when composing a report in advanced education since it causes understudies to concoct new and old thoughts on how issues are illuminated. These are what I accomplished while composing my applied administration venture: 1) Reflective learning helped me while composing my applied administration venture since I had the option to think of at various times understanding and this angle helped me in breaking down all the fundamental ideas on the best way to get and order informations in order to accomplish my points and goal. 2) Reflective learning as likewise helped in turning my experience to learning, these has helped me to evaluate truly all the way toward learning and as additionally improve my learning experience scholastically. Memory OF EXPERIENCE Since the acceptance week is finished, it is currently time for me to initiate with my exposition, the enlistment week went on for multi week and it began the eighth of February 2010 which was on a Monday in spite of the fact that we were isolated into two accomplice and I was fortunate to be a piece of companion B, the main day of the enlistment was commonly about the prologue to the unit which was given by Vincent Org and Peter Patrick, the subsequent day was all the more fascinating in light of the fact that Alan Bullimore and Peter Patrick discussed how to hotspot for informations and referencing, on that equivalent day we were completely solicited to frame a gathering from seven to eight part and points where offered out to each gathering in like manner, on that equivalent day Steve Briggs and Prof Brain Mathew discussed composing a report, Plagiarism and TurnitinUK, During this talk we were informed that the remainder of the week will be a gathering conversation and we will hav e the option to pose important inquiries about the theme from how mentors and we where likewise told that after the parts of the bargains week nobody will have the option to get any assistance or help from any guide. After the finish of the enlistment week I understood that it was the ideal opportunity for me to initiate with my picked point in spite of the fact that I ran over a great deal of difficulties, this gave me a ton of concern since I was the main individual in my gathering so I had to nobody to trade thoughts with, I needed to attract up a methodology to screen my advancement while I was occupied with composing on my picked subject, I realized I needed to begin looking for applicable diaries and articles which helped me a ton to comprehend what the theme was about, I had no way out than to develop fortitude progressively over this is the at long last stage that will decide whether I would be granted an ace degree in Logistics Business and Management. Despite the fact that this is my subsequent endeavor, I realized I needed to demonstrate a point by ensuring that I dont commit that equivalent error I made while I was composing my first picked subject, while composing on my picked subjec t I saw a few weaknesses which I understood that I had no way out than to handle or discover an answer for them. The follow were my inadequacies Weaknesses 1) Insufficient Fund: while I was composing on my picked theme, I ran over some pertinent articles and diary online which were available to be purchased and extravagant to buy, this specific shortcoming was disastrous in light of the fact that at that specific second I was not monetarily stable to buy all the important diary and articles on the web. 2) Lack of comprehension: Understanding the picked subject was another test I confronted while I was composing on my picked point, from the outset I had less thought regarding how to concoct pertinent and vital data and especially the sort of data I have to remember for the headings and sub-headings, I invested a great deal of energy in these before I made sense of things. Revision MADE 1) With the assistance of the learning assets focus, I had the option to get more diaries, articles, magazines, books and papers identifying with my picked theme, corporate social duty. 2) I needed to call my support about my present budgetary circumstance, I was given all the vital help I required, this truly helped me since I had greater chance to evaluate more diary, articles and books on the web. Gathering FORMATION On the ninth of February 2010, Vicent Org and Peter Patrick asked everyone in every division to shape a gathering of seven to eight individuals, tragically I am only the main individual in my gathering since this is my subsequent endeavor, there was nobody to relate or trade thoughts with, I had to some up mental fortitude inside myself so I would have the option to achieve my points and destinations of going to the college of Bedfordshire to examine, I drew up a technique which I used to check my advancement while I was composing my picked theme, I gave myself an objective which I needed to get together with toward the finish of every day. LEARNING EXPERIENCE In spite of the fact that this is my second endeavor that I am composing this equivalent module (Applied Management Project), I have increased a ton of encounters both from my first and second endeavor, composing a paper is a colossal test so I needed to apply all the important aptitudes gained from over a wide span of time information. These are the exercises learnt while composing on my picked point: 1) I have figured out how to be proficient and viable in critical thinking and furthermore produce a quality result. 2) I am fit for handle my own learning and vocation process productively and successfully. 3) I have figured out how to act naturally inspired and this as likewise improved my dynamic abilities, I would now be able to take a shot at my own without getting help from bunch individuals. 4) I have figured out how to deal with my own time set a sensible objective and screen my advancement while chipping away at my picked subject. 5) With the assistance of Alan Bullimore and Peter Godwin I have figured out how to look and recover significant and pertinent data from perceived sources. Exercise FOR FUTURE PROJECT 1) Time Management: Time the executives is a sorted out utilization of sound judgment strategy and arranging, when composing or setting out on a task or thesis, one ought to be careful about time the board since it essentially manages how and when to get together with targets in the event that it is utilized successfully and effectively, time ought to be made for mistakes and adjustments, I currently observe time the executives as a constant procedure in life in other to accomplish point objectives and destinations. 2) Self Management: Self Management is the real procedure of using time hardly and settling on a specialized choice in order to accomplish ones points and goals, before leaving on a task one as to have the accompanying characteristics: fearless, confidence and discretion, these characteristics are significant while composing a venture or before setting out on an undertaking since they help during and after the exploration procedure. 3) Measuring Performance: When composing a thesis, it is prudent for understudies to set up a practical strategy or methodology which will be utilized to quantify their advancement while composing on their picked subject, this informs understudies as to whether the person in question is filling in as booked, these viewpoint assists with accomplishing the significant point of composing this undertaking which is submitting the task or paper before cutoff time. 4) Risk Management: Risk Management is a procedure of limiting danger not really annihilating the hazard yet checking the misfortune before the circumstance happens, while composing on my picked subject I needed to make the danger of set backs in my objective in order to achieve my central goal or, in all likelihood I may have experienced deterrents which may cause postponement or set back in my venture. 5) Loss of work and Plagiarism: When composing a report or paper, it is vital that all the indispensable informations and figures accumulated are spared in a safe and tied down spot to keep away from harm, besides while composing on my picked point I was cautious about adapting legitimately from creators, off base referencing and lumping on the grounds that It is a genuine scholarly offense. Individual ENCOUNTER The applied administration venture is a considerable assessment; it has being an awful encounter for me since I needed to compose this specific module once more, in spite of the fact that the module as encouraged me in increasing more information and furthermore applying these picked up information to genuine circumstances. I went over a few confusions while composing on my picked theme, the primary issue I ran over was the means by which to break down and assess my picked point; since I was the main individual in my gathering I had nobody to trade thoughts and important informations with, I needed to develop boldness in order to accomplish my point and target which is turning in a decent report and gathering together the report fourteen days before cutoff time so as pass my report to my sibling to edit so fundamental adjustments can be made, besides different troubles were sourcing for applicable diaries, articles, papers and books however following all the informations assembled from the acceptance weeks I had the option to draw up techniques on the best way to handle this issues and as far as I could possibly know my methodologies turned out fine. Composing THE INTRODUCTION This is a significant part when composing a report or thesis, I discovered it extremely hard to begin composing the presentation since it took for a spell before I
Friday, July 3, 2020
What Is DBQ Format for AP US History
The AP US History Document-Based Question, or DBQ, can seem daunting to even the most experienced essay-writers. But never fear! The DBQ format differs from typical essays in only one way the inclusion of historical documents. Otherwise it follows the same essay outline you have been turning in since middle school! If the thought of completing a DBQ format essay still fills you with anxiety, try using our simple tips to make the DBQ format essay a bit more workable. About the DBQ format for AP US History The APUSH DBQ format is very similar to a traditional essay, with one exception the inclusion of historical documents. Just like ordinary essays, every DBQ begins with a prompt of some kind. Unlike ordinary essays, you are also given a set of historical documents (usually 5-7) that function as your primary sources of information. Expect to read through each of the documents, then compose a clear, concise, well-written essay all under 60 minutes. How to write an essay in DBQ format The goal of a DBQ format essay is to use provided historical sources plus prior knowledge to show your overall understanding of historical themes and content. Essays that achieve a high score always write within the historical context don’t just analyze the documents without explaining how and why they are important to US History. With only 60 minutes to write an entire essay (and make it great), AP College Board recommends taking the first 10-15 minutes just to plan. No writing. Just planning. Although it may seem ridiculous to dedicate  ¼ of your time to something other than writing, planning will actually save you time in the long run. 1. Figure out what the question prompt is asking you to do Read the question prompt. Then read it again. Maybe even a third time. Make sure you understand what the prompt is actually asking you to write. No matter how great your essay, if you don’t answer the question, you aren’t getting a good score. From there, find â€Å"action words†to help determine which direction your essay should take. Do you need to analyze source information? Compare and contrast? Evaluate or prove something? Always remember that no matter what the prompt is asking, your answer needs to revolve around the historical sources provided. 2. Review the historical documents Each historical document is a potential information source. Before you even begin to write your DBW format essay, read through each document, noting any similarities and differences between them. Are they from the same time period? Do they reflect an event in US history? Look for main ideas and concepts that capture what each document is really about. 3. Make an outline Sometimes it’s easiest to start your outline with a thesis statement. Take a look at the DBQ essay prompt one more time, and use that to formulate your introductory paragraph. Go for the 5-paragraph rule here: 1 opening paragraph, 3 body paragraphs and 1 closing paragraph. A quality essay requires at least 3 body paragraphs to persuasively support your point of view. You will almost definitely write more than 3, but never write less. Make sure to include main ideas and supporting details/facts from your evidence. Taking a few moments here to figure out how best to incorporate the historical documents into your DBQ format essay will help keep your paper organized and concise. 4. Write! Finally, you can start writing! As you write, use your outline to help maintain focus. Don’t get â€Å"lost†in your paper. Keep sight of the DBQ question prompt, making sure each paragraph you write connects back to the original question. As you write, be sure to include both specific examples from the historical documents, as well as outside thematic knowledge you learned in APUSH. This is the time to really show how well you understand US History!
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Secret to Categorize the Given Topics for a Literary Analysis Essay as Strong or Weak
The Secret to Categorize the Given Topics for a Literary Analysis Essay as Strong or Weak Up in Arms About Categorize the Given Topics for a Literary Analysis Essay as Strong or Weak? The prior is so obvious and can't be mistaken. Let's look at a good example. This analysis may cover all or just some elements of, for example, a poem or novel in regard to its style and its general contribution to the industry of literature. For example, the ring is a sign of evil power. Examining the different elements utilised in a book lets you understand literature broadly. Scroll down the page in order to look at extra essay samples which can help you in producing your very own literary essay. Sometimes you are going to be given an open-ended job and in this instance, you have the chance to explore your own question about the text. A superb introduction needs a strong thesis statement that is the previous sentence in your of this section. Since you can see in a sample book file, the m anner of your essay should be quite formal. The Principles of Categorize the Given Topics for a Literary Analysis Essay as Strong or Weak You Can Benefit From Starting Today The actors play the part of both male and female since it includes a stipulation that the actors want to be of the exact same sex thus ensuring cross-dressing. Don't hesitate to bring any background information if it's pertinent to a thesis and can assist the audience understand your preferred position. Sometimes it's up to you to pick what type of topic you give your priority to. You have the ability to understand unique scenes and character behaviors. Don't neglect to produce and use your literary analysis outline. Locate an ideal sample literary analysis outline before you begin. Bear in mind, you're analyzing a crucial element of the literature. Asking questions such as, what is the goal of a literary analysis essay can help you to create the basis of your essay. He seems to see that the things h e's done hurt men and women, and he regrets them. Don't claim you know everything and your opinion is the best truth. Exactly like Telemachus was aided by Athena on his search to find out more regarding his father, there are those in the society today eager to lend a hand. The Pain of Categorize the Given Topics for a Literary Analysis Essay as Strong or Weak Despite how it's deceptively easy, just answer the question. Ensure everything you do is supporting your response to the question. There are not any incorrect answers so long as you make rational points which you are able to support. Write the thesis in your words. Every fantastic essay ends with a very good conclusion. The thing is the fact that it may appear difficult to select a topic for your essay. There are various elements involved with writing an effective essay. Comparable to all other essays the layout follows the identical rule. The biggest weakness of humanity is the ability to create terrific societie s and destroy them if they're not delighted. Your conclusion will find a way to solve the problem you identified. Lots of people concern themselves with acquiring wealth whatever the lengths they must go to receive it. He sees his lineage for a burden. These types all have distinct features and it's possible you will want to analyze them from an international perspective if you are supposed to finish your essay in the simplest way possible. Additionally, it gives proof of the means by which the theme supports the central idea. Don't underestimate how valuable it's to understand the way your work is going to be judged. All literary works are challenging and confusing since they are similar yet different in various ways. However, it would be hard to argue that Tom would not make several of the very same choices all over again. The good thing is that it is easy to get our effective on-line assistance from a group of competent, dependable, and skillful writers. Your objecti ve is to carefully examine a sheet of literature. I understand this is a fundamental step, but my point here is you need to actually readthe material. See the image below for an invaluable example that may guide your response. We don't need to be correct. If you just don't have enough time to get this done, or whether or not it seems too tough to finish the task before the due date, skip to the previous paragraph. Rubrics can be a bit different and sometimes, a student won't have accessibility to the rubric chart that pertains to their task specifically. You ought to have a set of important skills to be successful. If you've got an assignment to compose a literary essay, you can face issues on the very start of the task completion. These effective ideas can help you produce the ideal outline. The tradition of writing essays also develops critical thinking that is highly needed in any upcoming job. The Hidden Gem of Categorize the Given Topics for a Literary Analysis Essa y as Strong or Weak A sample literary analysis essay of Romeo and Juliet, you can incorporate the simple fact that the stars and the planets aren't utilised to convey the part of symbolism rather, they serve as witnesses. The introduction needs to be geared toward catching the reader's imagination. On another level, it's the story of all of the actual damage that may result from seemingly innocent adventures. Thuc Ky Tam's character is a superb instance of a guy who owns the two of these characteristics. Categorize the Given Topics for a Literary Analysis Essay as Strong or Weak and Categorize the Given Topics for a Literary Analysis Essay as Strong or Weak - The Perfect Combination They're prepared to aid you with your analysis 24 hours each day. Tom even goes to lengths to produce the people he's hurt feel far better.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Islamic Wealth Management And World View Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1021 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? Prosperity and fortune is a significant goal for many individuals. It is the focus of trade and other business communications, such as sales. This fortune can come in many forms; it can be in the form of money to some people and to others it can be in the form of property i.e. houses, cars and lands. In order for man to obtain this prosperity and fortune, better known as wealth, man has to work (hard) for it, it does not come naturally. Even so, many people are lucky enough to have inherited this fortune of wealth.  Wealth management from an Islamic viewpoint follows appropriate guidance principle of shariah, which to a great extent, takes a different route from the typical point of view. Throughout the paper, it was deliberately intended to show that a difference exists. Any shortcomings on that purposes is owing to the technical know how on the part of authors. However, the paper sought to convey that owning wealth in Islam does not make any person the total owner of that wealth they have. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Islamic Wealth Management And World View Finance Essay" essay for you Create order Wealth is simply handed over upon us by God and thus, it has to be used and utilised in accordance with Gods consent as stated in shariah rulings. Wholesome ownership can be attained of this fortune in many ways, as in a sale contract or gift; making someone the successor of another as in inheritance, and the acquiring of a thing which free for the public use. In all of these situations, Islam has a way in managing this wealth.  Man as the vicegerent on this world is expected to seek this wealth and use it in a way that will help him obtain the happiness and contentment of God in this world and hereafter. With that, the paper provided some practical scenarios as to how fortune and riches can be used in Islam for this reason. It was therefore illustrated in zakat planning, al Ijarah financing and Islamic unit trust. The main purpose is to show the approach to wealth management in Islam not prevalent in the conventional way. The methods of financing should not only avoid riba, gharar and maysir but also be economically competent. In search of this economic competency, Islamic Banks now contribute to provide their services to Islamic banking; it varies from simple Shariah-compliant retail products to highly complex structured finance and large-scale project lending. Muslims (and non-Muslims) can now get hold of Islamic credit cards, can insure themselves and their property Islamically, can invest on line in Islamic funds, can track their investments Islamically and can even get a Shariah-compliant mortgage from many US based firm. Islamic banks are now located in places to other firms not only in large scale corporate financing but also more complex wholesale transactions such as syndications and securitization. Bahrains recent $255mn al-Hidd power financing is a case in point. Lead arranged by BNP Paribas, HSBC Amanah, Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait and Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi, the $55mn Islamic tranche arr anged by the Saudi-based Islamic Development Bank and Kuwait Finance House was summoned as a landmark in district power finance. KFH had previously helped set an inter-creditor agreement precedent when it secured in 1995 a $200mn Islamic tranche for Kuwaits $1.2bn Equate petrochemical project. This convergence shows how the Islamic financial sector is part of the globalizing trend and not rejectionist. In essence, Islamic finance presents sets of well-understood tools within the framework of modern banking and finance.  Worldwide, the Islamic banking is forever growing. Islamic banking is managed by the shariah laws and aim to achieve equality and balance between the parties in an agreement. This makes it very different from typical banking as typical banking does not have the aspect of faith or religion in the governance. In terms of products and services, both types of banks offer similar services and products. This provides customers with a wide range of alternatives in deciding on a bank that best suits their needs and economic benefits. Researchers have established numerous factors of consumers preferences of bank selection, for example, the cost and benefit (Metawa Almossawi (1998), Abbas, Hamid et al (2003)), service quality (Ahmad Haron (2002), Asyraf Nurdianawati (2007), staff factors (Laroche et al (1986), Azura et al (2006)) and mass media advertising (Haron, Ahmad et al (1994), Othman Owen (2002)).  This research is motivated by the fact of choices the consumers have in their hands. Although many researchers have been conducted to find out the liking of consumers in selecting banks, this research tries to reveal the features persuading between Islamic banking and conventional (traditional) by using factoring analysis and logistic regression. From 191 respondents from the states in Malaysia, the result shows that advertising their services and products and ease of access are certainly important to the Islamic banking selection, whereby the service quality is not very important to the Islamic banking selection. There is an increasing trend, especially amongst the younger generation to reject unethical or socially irresponsible investment funds and businesses. Islamic Finance does not agree to undertake or fund and support the anti-social and unethical businesses such as gambling, prostitution, alcoholic liquor, nightclubs and narcotics. Islamic banks are forbidden from opening accounts or providing finance to persons and establishments involved in such activities. In this admiration, it is clearly ahead of the recent rush in ethical finance and socially responsible finance that are becoming quite popular in the Western world. Due to their active participation and familiarity of the nature of businesses of their clients, Islamic financial institutions are in a better position to detect and avoid the channeling of depositors money for financing extremely risky but equally remunerative anti-social behavior. The Islamic finance service industry is growing very fast and is attracting the interest of both Muslim and non-Muslim market players. Experiences and knowledge so far suggests that there are a number of ways in which the industry is adding value to the global financial system. The challenges facing the sustainability and expansion of the industry in the future are quite alarming. An early and reasonable solution to meet these challenges will decide the prospect of the industry
Friday, May 15, 2020
Essay about Illegal Immigration in the United States
Illegal immigration in the US is and has been an ongoing battle for many years. According to legal-dictionary an illegal immigrant is define as an alien (non-citizen) who has entered the united sates without government permission or stayed beyond the termination date of a visa. There are many problems that occur such as overpopulation, raising crime rates and unemployment. Some Americans have issues with illegal immigration and some do not. Those with the issues are concerned about illegal immigrants taking Americans jobs and not paying taxes. Those without the issue are mostly business owners who hire them because most immigrants will work for a low wage and owners also do not have to claim them on their taxes. Therefore the American†¦show more content†¦If businesses are fined or have some other disciplinary actions taken against them for hiring illegal immigrants, this would force them to stop. If they are more careful with whom they hire, illegal immigrants would not ha ve a place of employment, therefore decreasing the number of illegal immigrants who come to America looking for jobs. America is considered to be â€Å"the land of Opportunity†. From jobs, to healthcare, America has a lot to offer, which is why so many people want to live here. The issue with this is the US only allows a certain number of immigrants per year to become citizens. The majorities of immigrants who want to come to America know this and feel they might not be accepted in the small number that is allowed so they enter the country illegally. According to an article found in the New York Times, in 2008, there was an estimated 11.9 million illegal immigrants in America and since then the number has grown. Another solution to the illegal immigrant issue is to raise the number of visas given to immigrants per year. In another passage taken from the article by Jeff Jacoby, he states, â€Å"But because US law authorizes only 5000 visas annually for the low skilled immigrants, there is no lawful way for most of the workers we need to enter the country.†By giving such a low number of visas to immigrants each year, it causes other immigrants to want to enter the country illegally, in an act of desperation. By raising the number of visas given, it canShow MoreRelatedIllegal Immigration And The United States1573 Words  | 7 Pagesmillion illegal immigrants currently residing in the United States furthermore, for the United States economy. The correctional prerequisites against migrants were added to enactment to protect it from feedback that acquittal is absolution without outcome. Immigration makes a difference among everybody, and Congress ought to be doing everything in its energy to make it as simple as feasible for settlers to live and work lawfully what s more, openly in the United States. The United States is knownRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States1315 Words  | 6 PagesFor ages, the United States has seemed to be the country where people seek to move to for a better life. The United States was built on immigrants. People have always migrated to the United States both legally and illegally. The main problem the country has face with immigrants is the amount that trespass the border illegally. Illegal immigration is the unlawful act of crossing a national border(Illegal Immigration Pros and Cons). The illegal immigrant population keeps growing at an annual averageRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States969 Words  | 4 PagesAmerican businessman, politician, television personality, and author, is the presumptive of the y for president of the United States in 2016having won the most state primaries and caucuses and delegates to the 2016 Republican National Convention. Trump’s positions in opposition to illegal immigration, various free trade agreements that he believes are unfair, and most military interventionism have earned him particular support among blue-collar voters and voters without college degrees. Many of hisRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States1486 Words  | 6 PagesIllegal immigration has been an issue in the United States for a long time so the issues that come with it should not be a surprise. America was established on the basis of newcomers settling here from abroad. Recently though, thousands of illegal immigrants have come into the U.S. through either the Mexico border, the Pacific Ocean, or the Gulf of Mexico which has created a new an unanticipated issue for the U.S., in the past immigrants came from Europe and passed through the Ellis Island stationRead MoreIllegal Immigration Is The United States1805 Words  | 8 PagesIllegal immigration is the migration of people across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country. Some c ountries have millions of illegal immigrants. Immigration, including illegal immigration, is overwhelmingly upward, from a poorer to a richer country. The easy definition of an undocumented immigrant is someone who was not born in the United States and therefore has no legal right to be or remain in the United States. Not all undocumented immigrantsRead MoreIllegal Immigration : The United States1876 Words  | 8 PagesIllegal Immigration Due to the economic benefits of immigrant labor, the dangers of central American countries, and the basic human rights of noncitizens, the US government must grant amnesty to undocumented immigrants. Illegal immigration has become a rising issue in the US over the past few years, and it will continue to heat up coming into this year s presidential election. This issue is also very present in the local community due to it’s diversity and large Hispanic population. GenerallyRead MoreIllegal Immigration in the United States1864 Words  | 8 PagesIllegal Immigration In The United States: A Controversial Debate Illegal immigration is an on-going issue, which is of much importance in the United States today. It has been overlooked for many years, however it has reached a point where it can no longer be ignored. Most of the illegal immigrants, 54% to be exact, come through the Mexican border. (Hayes 5) Since the early 1980’s, the number of illegal Mexican immigrants has risen at an incredible rate, causing the United States government to takeRead MoreIllegal Immigration in the United States Essay2094 Words  | 9 PagesIllegal Immigration in the United States Illegal Immigration in the United States The United States (US) has always been viewed as the land of opportunity because it is the only true free country in the world. This being the case people have been fighting their way into the country for decades. However, it is becoming more and more of a problem each decade that passes. With the United States border being so close to Mexico it is now seeing the highest population of illegal immigrants toRead MoreDeportation: Immigration to the United States and Illegal Alien2373 Words  | 10 Pagesadvance because of the way the immigration process works. However, one thing we all had in mind, was to see the light of a different country, see different faces and hopefully find ways to stay. Once the airplane took off, words was already spread all over the office of Haiti air in Florida that the airplane left Haiti with more than 30 Haitian illegal on board. The first few 2 hours spent at the arrival office was like a discovery of a new world for every single illegal in that group. This was oneRead MoreIllegal Immigration And Immigration In The United States1091 Words  | 5 Pagesarrest persons for immigration enforcement purposes. (De Leon, K) The new legislation, created by California Senate President Kevin de Leon, officially makes the state of California a â€Å"sanctuary state†. Previously, de Leon determined that Donald Trump is a racist because of his positions on immigration; most notably, Trump’s attempt to defund cities that considered themselves sanctuaries. In a debate that is becoming increasingly more polarized, Brown sought to protect illegal immigrants against
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Aggregate Demand And Aggregate Supply - 1154 Words
There is nothing so frustrating as not being able to answer a single question at the end of a study week. But being able to make a brief summary, on the other hand, will steer you up. This week work was in the domain of aggregate demand and aggregate supply: the long run and the short run, recessionary and inflationary gaps and long-run economic equilibrium, determining the level of consumption and aggregate expenditures and aggregate demand. I have been able to retain that aggregate demand is the total quantity of goods and services that a household, foreign buyers, and governments will buy at a given price level. A shift to the left of the aggregate demand indicates a fall in price, output returning to normal pushing it again to the right. Unlike the aggregate supply which is curve showing any combination of inflation and the real output which companies are ready to offer base on their production cost, will witness a shift to the left in the short-run as a result of price rise and falling output. In the long-run, the potential output is vertical line independent on inflation resulting in a flexible price of output and input. Reflecting on the subject of Recessionary and Inflationary Gaps, and Long-run Economic Equilibrium, I am able to retain that recessionary gaps exist if real GDP is less than Potential real GDP. At this point in time, the unemployment rate is greater than the natural rate of employment cause job seekers to settle for lower wages. The situation atShow MoreRelatedAggregate Demand And Aggregate Supply1732 Words  | 7 PagesAs the concept of supply and demand play a big role in microeconomics, aggregate demand and aggregate supply are of much relevance to economics on the larger scale. In order to truly understand aggregate demand and aggregate supply, we have to uncover what they mean and their effect on the economy. To begin with, the first part to aggregate demand and supply is aggregate demand. Aggregate demand is a curve that shows how much of the nation s output (or real GDP) in total that buyers want to purchaseRead MoreAggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply911 Words  | 4 PagesAssignment Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply 11. For each of following events, explain the short-run and the long-run effects on the output and the price level, assuming policymakers take no action. (a) The stock market declines sharply, reducing consumers’ wealth. AS1 AS2 AD1 AD2 Y2 Y1 P1 P2 P3 LRAS A B C P AD-AS diagram Output 0 Since the stock market declines sharply, the people’ wealth are being affected. In short run, it leads to a fall in aggregate demand whichRead MoreAggregate Demand And Aggregate Supply Model806 Words  | 4 PagesAggregate demand and aggregate supply model is considering about the economy as a whole and used to explain how national income is determined. (economicsonline, 2016) Aggregate demand is the total demand for the economy scarce resources at a given price level and in a given period of time. It includes export(I), government spending(G), investment(X), some of consumer spending and less imports from aboard(M). The formula is AD= C+I+G+X-M. (economicsonline, 2016) Apart from imports, AD is related withRead MoreMacroeconomics Essay on Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply1054 Words  | 4 Pagesmargins. At higher aggregate supply, the price is likely to decrease, compensating the fact that the companies have reduced their costs and allowing them to produce at the sa me level for similar prices. Aggregate demand will also increase, mainly because the products and services that are associated with oil and natural gas will become more affordable. As aggregate demand increases, the price will also likely increase in the short-term, at least until aggregate supply and demand regulate themselvesRead MoreAnalysis Of The Aggregate Demand And The Aggregate Supply Model Essay946 Words  | 4 PagesThe aggregate demand and the aggregate supply model is a macroeconomics model that explains price level and real output through the relationship of aggregate demand and supply. The aggregate demand curve consist of consumption(C), investment (I), government spending (G), net export (NX). The question caused by monetary expansion. In this essay, it analysis monetary policy, Philips curve which relation between inflation and draws conclusion and apply the theory into two countries whichRead MoreSupply and Demand Aggregate956 Words  | 4 PagesSupply and Demand Economic Critique Rachel Middlebrook ECO/372 February 4, 2014 Rick Pretzsch Supply and Demand Economic Critique The United States economy is determined by a number of factors, such as; gross domestic product (GDP), unemployment rates, consumer income, and interest rates. Everything the U.S. produces is measured by the GDP. When the GDP turns negative, the economy can enter a recession. If this negative GDP continues for years the country is considered in a depressionRead MoreAggregate Demand and Supply Models1095 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Aggregate Demand and Supply Models Aggregate Demand and Supply Models ECO/372 Aggregate Demand and Supply Models The following report will detail out the current state of the U.S. Economy. The report will discuss the following: * Current economic state in regards to unemployment, expectations, consumer income and interest rates * The existing effect of the economic factors on aggregate demand and supply * Fiscal policies that are currently being recommended by government leadershipRead MoreOverview of Interrelated Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Curves1544 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Aggregate Supply Curve Variables One of the major facets and functions of modern macroeconomic and microeconomic theory are the interrelated aggregate demand and aggregate supply curves. This report will focus on the latter as well as the variables that are typically accepted to affect the aggregate supply curves. An example graph showing a hypothetical shift in the aggregate supply curve is included in the appendix of this report. Aggregate Supply Curve Summary As noted in the introduction,Read MoreAggregate Demand and Supply Paper1955 Words  | 8 PagesAggregate Demand and Supply Models Economic Critique Ken Drake, ECO 372 Macroeconomics September 10, 2012 Jason Foster Aggregate Demand and Supply Models Economic Critique In the United States the economy is currently in a recession, although signs are indicating that the economy is slowly recovering. In an effort to analyze the Unites States economy the unemployment rate, expectations, consumer income, and interest rates have been evaluated. The results of these evaluations are includedRead MoreSupply and Demand and Stationary Aggregate Demand4063 Words  | 17 Pagesï » ¿Macroeconomics, (Hubbard/O’Brien) Chapter 24 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Analysis 1) The static aggregate demand and aggregate supply curve model helps explain A) short term fluctuations in real GDP and the price level. B) long term growth. C) price fluctuations in an individual market. D) output fluctuations in an individual market. 2) The aggregate demand curve shows the relationship between the ________ and ________. A) inflation
Marketing Plan For A Business Level Strategy - 1089 Words
As a rising star, The WhiteWave Foods Company has grown significantly in its short history. Today it is made up of four different groups of business, plus a joint venture in China (2013 Annual Review, 2014): Plant Based Foods (including the brands Silk ®, So Delicious ® and Alpro ® brands), Coffee Creamers Beverages (International Delight and Land O Lakes Half Half and Mini Moo’s), Premium Dairy (Horizon Organic), Organic Greens Produce (Earthbound Farm), and the joint venture with China Mengniu Dairy. WhiteWave has pursued a variety of strategies to support its unprecedented growth. Business-level Strategy Across its various business groups and within each of its brand, WhiteWave tends to follow a focused differentiation strategy to†¦show more content†¦With a low level of diversity, not venturing out of the larger food and beverage industry, WhiteWave could take advantage of operational relatedness, allowing it to share operations if it is opportune. In addition, it has competitive advantages throughout its value chain that it can transfer across the company. According to its website, it has core competencies in identifying trends, developing products with staying power, introducing new categories and developing line extensions, and scaling up quickly, both in manufacturing and marketing (WhiteWave Foods, 2015). Even in its short history as an independent firm, this claim has borne out: Earthbound Farms was acquired in 2013 and WhiteWave Foods was able to see a positive return the following year (Chen, 2014). Likewise, its investments in research and development in the United States and Europe have paid off, with the successful launches of Silk line extensions such as Almond Milk and refrigerated iced coffees (The Whitewave Foods Company, 2014). WhiteWave touts its strong portfolio of products, with its brands enjoying either #1 or #2 market share, all in high-growth markets (2013 Annual Review, 2014). It would most certainly rank as a star on the Boston Consulting Group portfolio analysis matrix. Merger Acquisition Strategy WhiteWave follows a horizontal acquisition strategy to increase market power at the corporate level, with the
Information Governance for Public Organizations - myassignmenthelp
Question: Write about theInformation Governancefor Public Sector Organizations. Answer: Annotation With the evolution in technology, use of mobile devices increased. Thus involvement of information governance is thus required in a large extent to support business process with a focus of improving information quality. The aim of this study is to explore factors that affect information governance within the mobile technology implementation in organizations in the dual-use framework. Introduction Over the years mobile devices have witnessed several changes and these devices affect human lives in a significant manner. These devices are available in different forms and the most common features- they are wireless and can connect remote internet network. With upgradation in technology these devices adopt new features and these features are- touch enabled, improved camera quality, more storage, better RAM, and improved design. Thus the usage of these devices is growing over the years. But with growth in demand the risks involved with the devices is also high. So here comes the entry of information governance to manage information in a better way. Information governance provides a holistic approach to administer and influence information to support business processes. Various aspects of organizational elements are included in the domain of information governance these are-governance structure, policies, measures, records, audit etc. Improvements in mobile device technologies are po sing challenges to records management and this is due to the fact records now can be stored in different systems across different platforms and with the data explosion the control over the record is constantly reduced. The problem of data explosion has increased with the revolution in mobile device industry and the records and information management (RIM) industry have clearly pointed the problem created due to data explosion. Thus with evolution of new features and functions of mobile devices, security aspects should be handled with care. Therefore mobile device usage has both aspects of usage positive and negative. Numerous arenas of positive aspects of mobile device usage and one negative aspect of its usage may pose a huge pay off. Research gap exists regarding the dual aspect of mobile devices. This journal article thus aims to explore the perceived risks that are associated with the dual use of mobile devices. The article reviewed several literatures on the concerned topic and then applied methodology to explore the significant factors. Finally it provides insights of the study. Analysis In order to find the effect of factors impacting information governance, this particular study used qualitative research method by collecting and analyzing empirical data. By conducting the qualitative research, this study finds main factors organizations should take care: urgency of support from the stakeholders in order to modify and influence security of the organization. The study also finds that major challenge for RIM stakeholders is regarding records mobility with data mobility. Finally study finds that for a successful mobile implementation, mobile strategy and security structure are the two crucial factors. The three factors identified by this study are consistent with previous studies on the same issue. Study finds active participation of stakeholders is required and this result is consistent with study on the same topic (Wilkin, Campbell and Moore 2013). The result of the study also shows that information governance depends upon higher management of an organization and this is because good security framework only achieved when investments are done. Finally the article shows that human element plays the role of obstacles in securing organizational information and this result also consistent with other studies (Garbarino-Alberti, 2013). Thus the three issues identified by the study are consistent with previous studies on the same topic. Hence the research method used by the study rightly points out the factors affecting the information governance on the dual use of mobile devices. Conclusion Growing use of mobile devices involves a greater risk but if the factors are determined in a proper manner then it is easy to fight against the problem raised from it. This study particularly explores the factors affecting the information governance and it finds the factors in a suitable way. The risks associated with mobile devices will be reduced and use of mobile devices will have only positive effect on its users if factors are addressed properly. The study thus suggests that good information security governance framework is required and organizations should identify the underlying mechanics. Amali, L.N., Mahmuddin, M. and Ahmad, M., 2014. Information Technology Governance Framework in the Public Sector Organizations. TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 12(2), pp.429-436. Annotation Information technology governance emerged to produce efficient and effective use of IT. Importance of this governance is felt by both the sectors of the economy-public and private. This paper mainly aims to provide framework of IT governance in public sector organizations and the relevant factors that contribute to the implementation of IT governance in Indonesia. Introduction Various countries felt the need of IT governance to achieve their desired goals. Presently, numerous organizations are adopting and applying IT governance. Public sector organizations included IT governance in its purview for better evaluation, direction and monitor of IT in organizations. It is also expected that ITG practices will improve the performance of organization. Thus along with the existing frameworks new approaches should be adopted. The initiation of ITG was 1990 and it was outcome of government regulations concerning information policy issues. Both sectors of economy are so different from each other but both require ITG. Investments on IT nowadays play an integral role for increasing economic growth of a country. Particularly with respect to public sector ITG adopted for success. There are three elements of ITG framework- processes, structures and relational mechanisms. The focus of public sector to achieve greater performance needs control over IT spending. In Indonesia lack of clear structure for ITG raised difficulty to assess the competence of resources used for IT and risks linked with awareness and utilization of ITG in public sector (Al Omari et al. 2012). The study thus was conducted with a view that it could provide solution to the government of Indonesia in order to mitigate problems raised within the system. Analysis For understanding the function of ITG in public sector, a descriptive approach is used. This approach involves survey of policies, procedures, literatures, technical and non technical documentation and observation. This study revealed that ITG evolved to recognize business value of IT. In order to recognize value of business a framework is identified which promote ITG. This framework shows that vision of ITG is important for being innovative, monitoring and evaluation of ITG is required for assuring better performance and the roles of different units should be assigned in a proper manner. Study finally shows that policies regarding ITG should be implemented with suitable guidance. Thus study using descriptive approach points out the factors which contribute to better performance of ITG in public sector. The findings of the study are consistent with other studies on the same topic. Conclusion The purpose of this paper to provide a suitable framework for guiding ITG in public sector is solved to some extent .The paper offer a ground that organizations must follow to obtain benefits by implementing ITG. It is expected that the framework proposed by the study will develop understanding power of organizations to solve problems raised within organization. The framework developed by keeping in mind the three elements of ITG mechanism which are important for proper implementation of IT. Comparison of two articles The two journal articles under consideration show that Information Governance is very important for the growth of any organization. Articles pointed out gap exist during the implementation of proper IG. For increasing the growth of any organization IG should be given more importance because proper IG would lower the risks associated with security issues. Both the studies provide path for IG implementation. The first article although identifies the appropriate factors affecting IG but the factors determined by the study already being identified by other studies there is no new factor identified which affects IG, it only shows consistency with other studies. Thus research gap existed in the particular issue addressed by first article. Now coming to the second article which concentrated on solving problems in public sector of Indonesia gives a framework of ITG which should be followed by the public sector to expand growth of public sector. This study has shortcomings in the sense, it used a descriptive approach which gives a very general solution to the problems faced by the sector, if the research method used by the study changed to some qualitative approach then it would be easy to point out the issues by citing an example. The overall observation of two articles shows that IG is very important and should be implemented for achieving goals that are set by the organizations. References Al Omari, L., Barnes, P.H. and Pitman, G., 2012, December. Optimising COBIT 5 for IT governance: examples from the public sector. In Proceedings of the ATISR 2012: 2nd International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Information Systems Research (2nd. ATISR2012). Academy of Taiwan Information Systems Research. Amali, L.N., Mahmuddin, M. and Ahmad, M., 2014. Information Technology Governance Framework in the Public Sector Organizations. TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 12(2), pp.429-436. Garbarino-Alberti, H., 2013. IT governance and human resources management: A framework for SMEs. International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals (IJHCITP), 4(3), pp.40-57. Silic, M. and Back, A., 2013. Factors impacting information governance in the mobile device dual-use context. Records Management Journal, 23(2), pp.73-89. Wilkin, C.L., Campbell, J. and Moore, S., 2013. Creating value through governing IT deployment in a public/private-sector inter-organisational context: A human agency perspective. European Journal of Information Systems, 22(5), pp.498-511.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Literature Review for Advertising Conversations- MyAssignmenthelp
Question: What do consumers believe more company advertising or online reviews? Answer: Introduction The author of the study stated that in this era of technology the consumer perception has also been changed. Their mind has diverted to wards online reviews rather than the companys advertising. The online advertising has changed the mind of many users. The online advertising now playing a dominate role in order to attract the consumer. The online advertising con be done through several of tools such as mobile marketing, online marketing through Facebook, You tube and many others. The online advertising has on some extent replaced the concept of company advertising to online advertising. The companies are now focusing towards the strategies that are helpful to maintain their online advertising in order to attract the number of consumer to satisfy their perspective need related to their required product or service. This report will be based on the discussion of that how consumers perceive from the online advertising in order to differentiate among different product categories like res taurants, cars, holidays, baby products, grocery items and electronic product (Stephen, 2017). Critical Analysis It has been found after studying many of the empirical studies the online advertising has left the company advertising far behind. It has gave a new look of advertising to companies in order to attract the number of users. The online adverting provides knowledge to consumer related to many of items such as household products, baby product, grocery product, electronic product, vehicles and so on. The online advertising has change the perception of many individuals. The author has stated in the favor of this statement that online adverting has changed the thinking of many of the consumer about making purchasing decision. The author further added that this is one of the easiest ways in order to attract consumers; due to the busy schedule in this globalized world people dont have sufficient time to gather the unique and authentic information in order to make purchase decision to satisfy their perspective need (Nugyen, 2017). This has provide consumers a new way in which consumers get attracted to wards their demanded product of service. In this modern word everyone is using smart technology which has limited the entire world in to a single gadget. The online advertising reviews has enables the users to have look about every things. This has made easy for the consumers to make purchasing decision on time with in the limited time constraints. In the contrast the other author has s tated in the critique way to the statement that it is not like that the individual will changed their perception due to the online advertising, according to the author he found that there is still some gap exist that need to m=be minimized the advertising concept plays a vital role for the contribution of companys goals. The author stated that in reviewing the product and services of any small firm it is difficulty to analyze about the authenticity and surety of the product or services either they are delivering proper related message or there is some gap exist (Johar, 2016). Online advertisement provides a quick promotion of product without any of the limitation based on the geographical boundaries. The major challenge is based in evolving field of interactive advertising which sates the new challenges for online advertisers. The online advertising is now have been become one of the major promotion tool. The author of the study stated in his view for the favor with statement because according to author it is one of most recent and widely used strategy in order to promote the prior product and service. The author stated that the online advertising has gave the companies a new and easiest promotional tool, that is playing a significant role for the promotion of products (hofcar, 2016). The promotion has took up a new look through online advertising which is attracting number of consumer related to the consumer need and demand for their perspective product or service. The author other critic on this statement saying that promotion of the product might not b e done in a perfect manner, the promotion requires a careful planning and it is important to analyze all the related factor in order to have a correct promotion of the prior product or service. The promotion is one the most important factor that needs to be done in an efficient and effective manner with full efficacy. The online advertising placement should be done in the right order to gain a full advantage as compare with the traditional advertising it means that to do placement in a manner where it can be review by the right people that is the consumer to reach so the placement must be done by focusing upon the all of the needed factor includes gender, age, interest, hobbies and all the psychographic factor including education, income and hobbies (Kanon, 2017).. This is the related information that need to be focused while placement of the product or service. The author in the favor of this point stated that it is very important to focus on the correct placement of your ad on any web portal or any of the digital tool that are used as purpose for the ad placement (Millan, 2013). The author further added that in order to attract the prior consumer it is important to analyze the entire factor that is necessary to evaluate for the purpose of correct placement of the ads. The other author stated his critical views about the statement, the author stated that it is not important to evaluate the factor those are required for the correct placement, he said that the advertising that can be done through the promotion of any digital tool will attract the number of consumer because the consumer are now always available on the social sites, and advertisement will catch by the eye of consumer itself, and consumer will attract towards the ad which is related to fulfill their perspective need related to their demanded product or service (Gullory, 2014). Internet advertising is now a most important necessity for business. Its provide benefits to those of business that are doing business outside of the local community (Semson, 2017). Consumers use the internet for the entertainment and information purpose. Consumers are now using internet in order to assist almost all type of knowledge with every aspect of their lives in order to create the countless opportunities to have knowledge about the relevant targeted message. The online advertising reaches more consumer than traditional advertising media does. The author founds that the traditional advertising method requires a lot of cost and online advertising is the method that dont requires lot much of cost (Weing, 2015). It has been found that it is very important method that targets the number of consumer more than traditional method does (Chung, 2014) The online advertising requires a careful planning in order to have the surety that the message has been placed in an order that has bee n seen by number of relevant users. The author of the study found that there must be some risk associated with this online advertising method in a way that it is easy to copy the material from the internet, for this purpose requirement are required to follow up in order to save from copying material issue (Carson, 2013). Conclusion It has been conclude at the end that the online advertising has provide consumer a new way of advertising which has changed the mind of the many of the consumers toward the online purchasing of product by having review on the internet. The online advertising has provided the companies a new way of cost efficient advertising approach. Online advertising is a new promotion tool that has increased the number of consumers (Mangold, 2014). The online advertising is the best promotion tool that has made the promotion of the product or service easy. The internets are now delivering the best customer service with the help of online advertising. The users condemn or praise many of the companies on the basis of their personal experience. The online advertising is also effective in a way that they are providing best quality advertising which is than targeted by the concept of word of mouth advertising which helps to increase the number of consumers. The online advertising has change the percept ion of many individuals. Consumers are now using internet in order to assist almost all type of knowledge with every aspect of their lives in order to create the countless opportunities to have knowledge about the relevant targeted message. The online advertising has on some extent replaced the concept of company advertising to online advertising. The companies are now focusing towards the strategies that are helpful to maintain their online advertising in order to attract the number of consumer to satisfy their perspective need related to their required product or service. This report will be based on the discussion of that how consumers perceive from the online advertising in order to differentiate among different product categories to identify which one of firm is delivering the best quality product or service (Ludwig, 2014). References Verhoef, P. C., Stephen, A. T., Kannan, P. K., Luo, X., Abhishek, V., Andrews, M., ... Hu, M. 2017. Consumer Connectivity in a Complex, Technology-Enabled, and Mobile-Oriented World with Smart Products. Simanjuntak, M., Nguyen, M., Situmeang, F. 2017. To What Extent Do Beauty Bloggers Influence the Purchase Behavior of Their Audience? Exploring the Links Between Consumer Personality and Blog Preferences.Advanced Science Letters,23(1), 623-627. Johar, G.V., 2016. Mistaken Inferences from Advertising Conversations: A Modest Research Agenda.Journal of Advertising,45(3), pp.318-325. Hofacker, C.F., Malthouse, E.C. and Sultan, F., 2016. Big data and consumer behavior: Imminent opportunities.Journal of Consumer Marketing,33(2), pp.89-97. Verhoef, P.C., Stephen, A.T., Kannan, P.K., Luo, X., Abhishek, V., Andrews, M., Bart, Y., Datta, H., Fong, N.M., Hoffman, D.L. and Hu, M., 2017. Consumer Connectivity in a Complex, Technology-Enabled, and Mobile-Oriented World with Smart Products. Guillory, M.D., Lohtia, R. and Donthu, N., 2016. The usefulness of online reviews in financial services.International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing,7(1), pp.66-90. Simonson, I. and Rosen, E., 2014. What marketers misunderstand about online reviews.Harvard Business Review,92(1/2), pp.23-25. Lu, L.C., Chang, W.P. and Chang, H.H., 2014. Consumer attitudes toward bloggers sponsored recommendations and purchase intention: The effect of sponsorship type, product type, and brand awareness.Computers in Human Behavior,34, pp.258-266. Ho-Dac, N.N., Carson, S.J. and Moore, W.L., 2013. 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Saturday, April 18, 2020
Are There Any Paid Essay Sample?
Are There Any Paid Essay Sample?You may not be an English major or you may have only taken Intro to English or ESL. You may have even read the countless essay samples out there in the form of FAQs, guidelines and tutorials.If so, you are lucky because the fact is that no matter how much you may have studied, you cannot learn everything in a book. You have to try out different methods on the Internet, with yourself or with others who will try to help you.There are many essays samples out there on the web. What you have to do is to search for one that works well for you. You do not have to go to any of those forums or blogs which promise free books, or that promise they can make you a famous writer, or from which they are sponsored by some of the big publishing houses out there.Instead, you can go directly to an essay sample which you have to pay for. Yes, there is free stuff too but you are more likely to get nothing useful from them than you are from a paid essay sample. Read more on that later.Another thing to remember is that when you have to pay for your essays sample, you are sure to get a lot of details about what you need to do to put up your essay. It is not just going to provide you with the specific methods to follow but you will also get tips to make it better. It will show you where you should change the story, how to write better sentences, how to make sentences longer and why to use 'and' rather than 'or.' And most importantly, it will also teach you how to write a congressional award essay.In most cases, this type of writing is very difficult. For most people, this is because they don't know how to start the composition. They don't know how to start the question at the beginning. They don't know what to write about, and they don't know how to make the conclusion more relevant to the argument made.The truth is that an essay sample is only going to work if you understand the steps in order to do it correctly. If you do not want to spend your time go ing through the technique, you can always turn to this kind of essay guide instead.Finally, I want to add that although free cogressional award essay sample are available, you need to realize that these are generally not very good examples of what you should do. I would suggest that you purchase the paid ones as they will be much better than the ones you will find out there. I am not sure why you would want to waste your money on something which you have to pay for.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Barely There Women In Ancient Literature Essays - Book Of Genesis
Barely There: Women In Ancient Literature Are the ancient biblical stories and the myths of the Greeks irredeemably male oriented? All ancient societies treated women as the inferior gender. It has been historically shown that in the ancient world, men were the leaders, heroes, and kings, and women served primarily as companions, helpers, and child-bearers. In the Old Testament and throughout ancient Greek literature, there is a constant theme of male superiority that cannot be ignored. Men did not believe that women were capable of existing as anything other than the typical housewife; it was unthinkable that a woman would actually need an education, let alone earn a living. Rarely was a woman seen doing anything but being dominated by males in some form, whether she was a mans sexual object, a submissively devoted wife, or a woman being punished for doing what she believed was right. Women had no identities of their own; in every action, they were presided over by a stronger male counterpart. Because female characters lacked power and existed primarily to provide men with companionship and support, ancient Gre ek and biblical stories can be described as irredeemably male oriented. A womans primary role in ancient times was to serve as a companion to a male figure. The most common form of this companionship was as a wife. God created the woman because It is not good for the human to be alone, I shall make him a sustainer beside him (Genesis 2:18, p9). The human was living in a perfect environment, yet something was still missing. God decided that it would be human nature to desire and need a partner. Thus began the practice of wife-seeking. Men were able to choose whomever they desired to be their wife, an idea that is demonstrated in the book of Genesis the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were comely, and they took themselves wives howsoever they chose (Genesis 6:2, p. 26). Women did not get to choose who they married. The entire concept of love, especially from a womans point of view, was not considered as a factor in marriage. The women were expected to comply and marry the man who chose them without complaint. In the book of Genesis, Abram sends a servant to fetch a wife for his son, Isaac, in order to console him following his mothers death. To my land and to my birthplace you shall go, and you shall take a wife for my son, for Isaac (Genesis 24:4, p113). The servant then follows his instructions and travels to Abrams homeland, finding Rebekah and bringing her home to Isaac. And he loved her, and Isaac was consoled after his mothers death (Genesis 24:67, p123). A wife-seeking mission such as this was considered normal, and was often done, in the name of God- Take [Rebekah] and go and let her be the wife of your master's son as the LORD has spoken (Genesis 24:51-52, p120). An ancient womans principal function in life was to supplement the life of her husband, ensuring that his every need was met. Because men were usually out of the home completing their own duties (in the case of the Greeks, fighting; in the Bible, working), women were expected to maintain the well being of the family, as both wives and as mothers. As a wife, a woman was expected to serve her husband however he desired, which meant remaining constantly sexually available. As a mother, she had to provide a loving and nurturing environment for her children. Wives had the responsibility of doing various tasks around the home like making bread, making clothing, and cleaning. Any time her husband wanted something, a woman was expected to do it promptly, without question. Abraham hurried to the tent to Sarah and he said Hurry! Knead three seahs of choice flour and make loaves (Genesis 18:4, p78). As a big part of meeting her husbands needs, women were expected to bear children. Having children was crucial during ancient times; it was considered to be very important that a woman be able to give children to her husband so that he could carry on his family legacy. If a woman was unable to make babies,
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Children and exposure to the real world
Children and exposure to the real world In his article â€Å"school is bad for children†, John Holt proffers his opinion that is formed from a very different angle altogether, on the issue of the present form of education as a virtue to children. The author curtly implies that the present mode of learning for young members of society would be more effective were it to undergo radical changes that would see it undergo total transformation if his suggestions are to be actually followed. Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Children and exposure to the real world specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More John Holt states that children would be much better off learning the ways of the world through practical experience rather than sitting in a classroom which he calls â€Å"brick boxes†. The author states that by taking school children out into the world, more specifically to courtrooms, libraries, museums, radio stations et cetera, they would earn more hands-on experience that would enable them handle real life situations as this is what they would have encountered. Conversely, the author also states that what a child learns in the period before they go to school is already a start in education that should be kept up since whatever they may learn later in school may not be of any help, the truth is that home learning and formal learning are two different aspects in that, at home the child only learns what they come across while in school the child will be exposed to a much wider variety of matters that may very well relate to issues that concern the world as a whole and may help in the future in cases where the child grows up and has to relocate to distant regions for instance to work. According to Kirszner and Mandell (2010), we should abolish the fixed, required curriculum. People remember only what is interesting and useful to them, what helps them make sense of the world, or helps them get along in it. All else they fo rget quickly (Kirszner Mandell, 2010). This is not true since if applied to children, they will need guidelines how they may live their lives in this world and this is offered through the curriculum which manages to cover diverse topics. Another issue that Holt overlooks is the fact that people have diverse interests which may not be necessarily accessible to them in his ideal world, for example, if a child is really good at issues relating to wildlife and the environment yet he is brought up in New York, and at the same time another is very good at statistics or mathematics which he can apply very well in the NYSE or NASA and yet he lives in Kenya or Mozambique, exposure to formal education would ensure each child pursues his passion thus living a full life unlike if they were each to learn from what they come across or are home schooled. The benefits of school are much spicier compared to if they went visiting their respective environs as the author states. As much as John Hol t states that youngsters want to make sense of the world and other people as well as themselves, as being the most important aspect of youth, it is only right to point out that without due guidance and support as well as counseling and helping in career choice in the name of curriculum, children will surely be lost to the ways of the world since they may make the wrong decisions all in the name of â€Å"letting them make sense of the world†. Advertising Looking for critical writing on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Another aspect that is overlooked in the article is the fact that parents, too, have a role to play in shaping their children’s lives since they are ultimately the ones responsible for bringing the child into this world. This is depicted when the author observes that a child is harassed, taught to be indifferent, that he learns that to be wrong and confused is a crime etc. This i s not completely accurate since the parents, assuming they are there, also play a vital role in the child’s life by encouraging and giving the child the right advice and moral support regarding school and how to go about hardships that they may encounter. Therefore, with the right attitude, the child is able to appreciate all the giving’s of school and life at school in general thus reaping maximum benefits. The author gives an example of an older child helping a much younger one with reading and in the process improves his own reading skills. This may be true but all in all, without the curriculum, the teacher and the school, the older child would not have the reading skills that he already has and thus would not help the younger child. In a synopsis, we can say that the period before school and the period after school is part of the grand plan of life that is linked by the vital aspect of school which plays a vital role in curving an individual’s lifetime. Conversely, they all are heavily reliant on one other since one without the other is like a headless body and they all play important parts in modeling one other. Therefore, if we were to reject the idea of school and let youngsters learn on their own, the impact would reveal diverse consequences. Reference Kirszner, G. L., Mandell, R. S. (2010). The blair reader: Exploring issues and ideas (7th ed.). London: Longman.
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