Saturday, December 28, 2019
Domestic Violence Violent Or Aggressive Behavior Within...
Domestic violence is the violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have been victims of physical violence by an intimate partner within their lifetime. Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, income, or other factors. Women and men can be victims of domestic violence. There are numerous types of abusive behavior at home, the explanation behind abusive behavior, the quantity of individuals that succumb to abusive behavior, and places you can go for help when you are being assaulted by your love one. On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men being a victim of domestic violence. There are five types of domestic violence are Physical, Sexual, Psychological, Emotional, and Economic. Physical, psychological and emotional violence is the most widely recognized types of domestic violence. Physical viciousness is perpetrating or endeavoring dispense physical damage and withholding access to assets important to look after wellbeing. Sexual misuse is pressuring or endeavoring to force any sexual contact without agree and Attempting to undermine the casualty sexuality. Mental misuse is imparting or endeavoring to ingrain fear and disengaging or endeavoring to disconnect casualty fromShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Rap Music On Social Behavior Essay1693 Words  | 7 PagesIn society today, it is highly noticed that the role of rap music messages and video i mages of violence causes an increase in negative emotions, thoughts and behaviors which could lead to violence amongst youth. Rap music has been at the center of concern in regards to the potential harmful effect of violent media on social behavior amongst youth. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
Organizational Diagnosis Models On Whole Foods Market
Organizational Diagnosis Models on Whole Foods Market Wanda I. Ramos Trident University BUS 599: Title of Course Professor’s Name July 21 2015 Abstract Organizational diagnosis is known as an effective way at looking organizations to determine gaps or needs between current and desired performance, and how it can achieve its goals. Open Systems Theory will be defined and briefly discussed in connection to organizational diagnosis. An analysis of four organizational diagnosis models was done to identify the best model that fits Whole Foods Market. Both strengths and the weaknesses were identified for each organizational diagnosis model. Organizational Diagnosis Models on Whole Foods Market Whole Foods Market is a company dealing with the production of natural and organic foods. It has numerous stores and groceries across the United States. In order for Whole Foods Market to be successful, they must look and choose which organizational diagnosis (OD) model would be best. A comparison of four models of OD methods has been done, and thereafter identifies the best model that fits Whole Foods Market. In order to decide which is the best OD model, a comparison of the strengths and the weaknesses of the company will be reviewed, and infer on the model that best fits amongst these characteristics. The Open Systems Theory (OST) is described as a system that has input and output flows, representing exchanges of matter, energy or information with itsShow MoreRelatedAn Organizational Diagnosis At Abc Company And Whole Foods2093 Words  | 9 Pagesreport is to provide data on an Organizational Diagnosis to ABC Company and Whole Foods. The diagnosis will define how various features of Whole Foods Market are aligned i.e. inputs, resources, efficiency, throughput effort, productions, performance, and strategy. They are curious to know if there are any substantial issues at Whole Foods, and how these problems might affect the integration of the company’s. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Trifles Essay Paper Example For Students
Trifles Essay Paper Trifles by: Tammy Wallick Mention the word feminist and most people think of the modern womens movement. Long before the bra burning of the 60s, however, writers were writing about the lives and concerns of women living in a male dominated society. Susan Glaspells play, Trifles, was written in 1916, long before the modern womens movement began. Her story reveals, through Glaspells use of formal literary proprieties, the role that women are expected to play in society, and the harm that it brings not only the women, but the men as well. Character names are important in Trifles. Two characters who are never seen, John and Minnie Wright, provide the inciting incident for the play. The name Wright plays off the social stereotype of women seeking Mr. Right, so they also represent the roles of men and women in the larger society. Minnies name has a double significance, Minnie being mini or minimized, which was descriptive of her relationship with John and in general of womens relationship with men. The taking of the husbands name is also important in the story. Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters are not given first names. The role that society has cast them in is one that is defined by their husbands. Mrs. Peters, who is married to the sheriff, is viewed in those terms, not as an individual. The county attorney even says for that matter a sheriffs wife is married to the law (Glaspell ..). Mrs. Peters herself tries to fulfill that role, saying Mrs. Hale, the law is the law (Glaspell ..). She tries to reinforce that identity until she is faced with the brutality of what John Wright did to Minnie. She says I know what stillness is. The law has got to punish crime, Mrs. Hale (Glaspell ..). The difference is that she is talking about the crime committed against Minnie, not the murder. The best example of the importance of names, especially married names, is the image of Minnie Foster. I hear she used to wear pretty clothes and be lively when she was Minnie Foster . . . Mrs. Hale s ays (Glaspell..). She talks about Minnie again on page ..: I wish youd seen Minnie Foster when she wore a white dress with blue ribbons and stood up there in the choir and sang (Glaspell..). The image of Minnie Foster is used to show, by contrast, what John Wright had done to Minnie. Howshedidchange says Mrs. Hale (Glaspell ..). John Wright abuses Minnie by denying her her personality and individuality, and eventually Minnie kills John to escape that abuse. By extension of the analogy between the Wrights and men and women in general, the idea is that it is only a matter of time before women who are forced to enslave themselves to a male dominated society get fed up and seek revenge on their oppressors. Understanding Trifles takes thought to identify and understand the plays two major metaphors. The first of these is the bird/bird-cage metaphor. Mrs. Hale describes Minnie (before her marriage to John) as kind of like a bird herself real sweet and pretty, but kind of timid and flutter y (Glaspell ..). Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters find Minnies bird cage in the cupboard, but they do not realize the importance of it until they find the dead bird with its neck twisted to one side. The comparison here is between Minnie and the bird. The bird is caged just as Minnie is trapped in the abusive relationship with John. John Wright figuratively strangles the life out of Minnie like he literally strangles the bird. When John kills the bird, he kills the last bit of Minnie, but he makes a mistake in doing so. The broken bird cage represents Minnies freedom from the restrictive role of Mrs. Wright. Once she is free she takes her revenge for all of the years of abuse and oppression. She strangles the life out of John like he strangled her spirit and her bird. The bird/bird-cage metaphor is also a representative of the role women are forced into in society, the bird being women and the cage being the male dominated society. The other major metaphor is the quilt. The quilt represent s Minnies life. She has taken the scraps and put them into a nice, neat quilt. The block she was working on, however, was all over the place! It looks as if she didnt know what she was about! Mrs. Hale says (Glaspell ..). When John killed the bird, he destroyed the last bit of personality that Minnie had held for herself. She was angry and confused, and probably literally didnt know what she was about (Glaspell ..). The question that is asked about the quilt is whether Minnie was going to quilt it or just knot it (Glaspell ..). This is the decision that Minnie had to make. She either would quilt it, meaning that she would go on enduring the isolation and abuse or she would knot it and decide that her life as it exists was not it and she would do something to change it. Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters begin to understand and agree with Minnie as they see how she was treated by John, and how she is being treated by the law. Mrs. Hale sums up the womens feeling when she replies to the county attorneys question about the quilt, saying we call it knot it, Mr. Henderson (Glaspell ..). The title, Trifles, is itself a reflection of how men view women. A trifle is something that is small, of no consequence. Mr. Hale says that women are used to worrying over trifles (Glaspell ..). The irony of the story is that while the men are running around looking for clues, the women have discovered the key to the mystery among what the men look at as only silly womens work. The feminist agenda of Trifles is not meant to be subtle. Glaspell uses the formal elements in the play to help convey the feminist theme. The title, the character names, and the metaphors all work together to paint not only a picture of Minnies life with John, but by extension, the lives of all women who live oppressed under male domination. Trifles is not just a reflection, however. It is also a call for women to use their perceived powerlessness as a tool to manipulate the system, and a warning to men that a syste m where one segment of the population dominates and oppresses another, cannot and will not be tolerated forever. Susan Keating Glaspell was born July 1, 1876 (though it has been suggested she might have been born as many as six years later) in Davenport, Iowa. Her parents were Alice Keating and Elmer S. Glaspell, whose family was one of the earliest settlers in the Midwest. She was of Scotch/English and Irish descent and raised to be proud of her immigrant heritage. Glaspell was educated in public schools and upon high school graduation in 1894, was hired as a reporter for the Davenport Morning Republic. Two years later she was the society editor for the Davenport Weekly Output. After graduating from Drake University in Des Moines in 1899, she was hired full-time as a legislative and state-house reporter and created a column, entitled News Girl. With this column, she found an established and dedicated audience, mostly women who read Harpers Bazaar and The Ladies Home Journal. In 190 1 she returned to Davenport to dedicate her time to writing stories, plays, and novels that appealed to the readers of these magazines who desired idealism and romance. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Entrepreneurship And Innovation Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Entrepreneurship And Innovation. Answer: Introduction In all around the world there are several innovations that are going on in various industries. This is a result of ideas of entrepreneurs (Drucker, 2014). There are many new SME have come up due to the entrepreneurship qualities that is present in many individuals. Due to various researches in all the fields there are many innovations that are getting possible. The entrepreneurs take use of these to solve some of the social problems as well as utilise them to gain economic benefits (Sahut Peris-Ortiz, 2014). This report highlights the similarities and differences between innovation and entrepreneurs. It also discusses about the activities that contributed to social and economic development in past few years. Compare and Contrast between innovation and entrepreneurship Innovation and entrepreneurship are part and parcels of each other. There are many examples all around the world where entrepreneurial innovation have changed the lives of the people and made a revolution in the industry (Crumpton, 2012). Many a times innovation has led to a start of new kind of industry. Even after being such a close connection, these two are extremely different things. Similarities Innovation and Entrepreneurship both leads to foundation of new items that can be highly beneficial for the society. Some new kind of products gets developed which helps in solving many of the day to day problems of the society. It is often designed as per the need of the market or the people that is present in it. There are various needs of the society and the innovation and entrepreneurship aims to remove that from their products. Both of these require an extensive amount of research so that their product idea does not fail. These researches are done based on the need of the people which is understood by doing market research (Brem, 2011). An Innovative approach is used for doing research. They also require a considerable amount of investment to be done so as to carry out various operations. Most of the money is required in doing the research like the market research and availing all the equipment that will be required for doing research and setting up the inventory for production. Many of the innovations get failed because they have not done proper research before producing products about the actual viability of its in the market. Both entrepreneurship and Innovation always needs to be planned so as to safeguard it from getting failed. In the last few decades most of the innovation or entrepreneurial activities failed due to the reason that they do not have been planned. The idea without a plan is unable to provide the required benefit (Mitra Borza, 2011). The planning must be done about everything from starting of research to the final sale of the products in the market. It helps in availing maximum benefit from the idea as well as it also assists in proper utilisation of resources which is always necessary in the case of company that are making the start. This is due to the reason that they do not have larger amount of resources in the starting. Entrepreneurship and Innovation has to be unique so as to provide maximum of benefits. It is not always necessary in the case of Entrepreneurship but in the case of Innovation it is highly essential. Uniqueness in product always provides a greater possibility for success. This is also due to the reason that there is always a less chance of facing a competition from other products. It also enhances the chances that some new problems of daily lives get solved through it. Idea behind Innovation and Entrepreneurship has to be protected so as to have maximum benefit from it. There is always a chance that it can be utilised by someone else so as to achieve benefits from it (Galindo Mndez, 2014). In order to reduce this problem there are many intellectual property rights they can be taken. This safeguards the rights of people to achieve maximum benefits from the innovation they have made. There are many examples where people have taken the idea of others for their entrepreneurship activities. Dissimilarities Innovation is implementing your creativity for coming up with the new idea or solution. It is a something new that has the power to solve what was not possible in previous times. Progress always depends on the innovation made in the field. More the innovation more is the chances that company or organisation can get greater benefits and has a higher capability of making inventor or researcher rich (Ortho Spine News, 2018). On the other hand entrepreneurship is implementing the innovation so that idea can be given life. It is sometimes also called as the social innovation. It is always driven by the capability of the person to do it. It is more of a grasping of opportunity to attain benefits. Entrepreneurship builds business based on the innovations that has been made. Entrepreneurship always supports innovations and provides strength for doing more innovation. One of the major examples in this regard is Henry Ford who took use of the innovation of most probably Karl Benz to convert th e motor powered engines into car, for his own benefit. This helped Henry Ford to develop cars that changed the world forever and made him the owner of $200 dollars property. Other difference between the two is that innovation is always new while Entrepreneurship can be copy of some others ideas. There are many examples where the people who even do not have the original idea got success. For example in the field of IT technology there are many companies which have achieved success with it. Basic difference between the two can be understood by the point that innovation means something new while on the other hand converting that idea or innovation into a business opportunity is known as entrepreneurship (Nathan Lee, 2013). Other big difference between the two is that innovation is never riskier while the entrepreneurship is always riskier. This can also be understood in the terms that innovation always has the capability of giving something new it is not vague. It is always capable of solving some or the other problem while entrepreneurship always gives an extra option to the people and if they are unable to convince the demand of the market then there is always a chance that it can fail. Innovation and Entrepreneurship activity contribution towards social and economic development Both innovation and entrepreneurship has the capability of solving social and economic problems of the society. In order to understand the economic development done by innovation and entrepreneurship is as follows: In social regards The innovation related to the technology especially in terms of artificial intelligence has helped a lot of people in solving their day to problems (Maclean, Harvey Gordon, 2013). For example Artificial intelligence in Medical sciences have helped people who are suffering from chronic disease in their medication. It has also reduced the number of errors in detecting and operating a disease. On the other hand the Innovation such as Social media Applications has united people all around the globe (Keohane, 2013). It became one of the modern facilitators of world being a global village. It helped in sharing ideas, have interaction and support each other while being from far off places. Another example in this regard is Tablet which does all the functionalities of computer and then also provides mobility to the people. On the other hand the sale of products through online mediums empowered people to avail products while sitting at home. This saved a whole lot of time of the people. In economic regards Many innovations and entrepreneurship has provided economic benefit to the people and the country. There are entrepreneurship examples that have come up with a new business which has added to the financial resources of the country (Szirmai, Naud Goedhuys, 2011). It is also providing jobs to many of the people which are making them financially capable of leading their lives (Eesley Miller, 2017). In the last decade there are millions of new businesses have come up which is improving to the economic condition of the society. On the other hand the innovations like the social media have given jobs to many people. This innovation helps to reduce the cost of marketing as the company can reach to larger set of consumers with the help of very few people. The innovations like multipurpose satellite helps in saving lot of countrys money as for various purpose a single satellites are now a days used. Many innovations have helped entrepreneurs in formulating them into the new idea Conclusion From the above based report it can be concluded that there are many innovations that are going on. This also assisted people in coming up with a new idea known as entrepreneurship. Both innovations and entrepreneurship are connected with each other but still there is a big difference between the two. Innovation and Entrepreneurship are always driven by the demand of the market and often fails when it is unable to fulfil the needs of the people. Both Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the last decade has helped in the development of the society and the nation. It can be clearly understood with the examples provided. References Brem, A. (2011). Linking innovation and entrepreneurshipliterature overview and introduction of a process-oriented framework.International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management.14(1). 6-35. Crumpton, M. A. (2012). Innovation and entrepreneurship.The Bottom Line.25(3). 98-101. Drucker, P. (2014).Innovation and entrepreneurship. Routledge. Eesley, C., Miller, W. (2017). Impact: Stanford University's Economic Impact via Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Galindo, M. ., Mndez, M. T. (2014). Entrepreneurship, economic growth, and innovation: Are feedback effects at work?.Journal of Business Research.67(5). 825-829. Keohane, G. L. (2013).Social entrepreneurship for the 21st century: Innovation across the nonprofit, private, and public sectors. New York: McGraw-Hill. Maclean, M., Harvey, C., Gordon, J. (2013). Social innovation, social entrepreneurship and the practice of contemporary entrepreneurial philanthropy.International Small Business Journal.31(7). 747-763. Mitra, C. S., Borza, A. (2011). Innovation and entrepreneurship.Managerial Challenges of the Contemporary Society. Proceedings. 342. Nathan, M., Lee, N. (2013). Cultural Diversity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship: Firm?level Evidence from London.Economic Geography.89(4). 367-394. Ortho Spine News, 2018. The Difference between Innovation Entrepreneurship. [Online]. Available at: . [Accessed on: 14th February 2018]. Sahut, J. M., Peris-Ortiz, M. (2014). Small business, innovation, and entrepreneurship.Small Business Economics.42(4). 663-668. Szirmai, A., Naud, W., Goedhuys, M. (Eds.). (2011).Entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic development. Oxford University Press
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