Wednesday, October 30, 2019
A Critique of Paradise Lost (Domestic Division) by TERRY MARTIN HEKKER Essay
A Critique of Paradise Lost (Domestic Division) by TERRY MARTIN HEKKER - Essay Example But in its efforts to tie in the author’s experience with the greater debate on women’s choices regarding family and career, the article offers nothing really new except probably with the shocking revelation that even women into their 60s, almost forever married by today’s standards could still be dumped by their husbands. Furthermore, some of the arguments pertaining to the debate tend to be contradictory or ambivalent. Hekker succeeds in making a significant emotional pitch for presenting herself as a cautionary tale of a woman who though, already in her four decades of marriage and well into her senior years could still be discarded by her husband with all the emotional and financial hardships of dealing with the aftermath. The article mostly centers on her case alone, and in a passing reference, to those of her two friends who were also divorced by their husbands and which she remarkably noted that among them, â€Å"they’d been married for 110 years†. What makes the article even more poignant is that the author wryly compared herself and her friends to â€Å"outdated kitchen appliances†: â€Å"Like them†, she wrote, â€Å"we were serviceable, low maintenance, front loading, self-cleaning and (relatively) frost free. Also like them we had warranties that had run out. Our husbands sought sleeker models with features we lacked who could execute tasks wed either never le arned or couldnt perform without laughing.†It is indeed quite shocking and repulsive to note that there are men, for example the author’s ex-husband who could treat a marriage of forty long years like it was nothing – although the husband’s reasons for leaving the marriage are not revealed to the readers, the sympathy goes to the author who watched herself struggled financially while her husband gallivanted with his new wife in Mexico. However the article’s main strength which is its emotional appeal of how men could abandon women also
Monday, October 28, 2019
Service Improvement Essay Example for Free
Service Improvement Essay Abstract As the competition in the restaurant industry become more. Service quality becomes important to achieve the success restaurant. Service Blueprint is one of the methods that use to apply to improve the service system. The process of blueprint is a necessary tool that the restaurant can view all of process of the restaurant’s operation between the customer and providers. The paper aims to examine and apply to improve in the service processes of the restaurant by using the Service Blueprint to be the technique that used to understand customer service experiences. For the service blueprint design, an in-depth interview and a quantitative research method was used based on a customer expectation on the target customer who always to dining-out in the restaurant. The providing emphasize on value co-creation and design characteristics of service systems, and identifying the most important service system characteristics perceived by the customer, is the important way to improve the service. Keywords: blueprint, service, improvement, restaurant Introduction The trend of food and beverage industries in Thailand is growing in the positive direction because the customer behavior on eating out (Thansettakij Newspaper, 2012). Many reasons, hungry, social business and personal reason, affect guests to visit the restaurant. Whatever the reason, customers expect their dining experience to be positive (Ninemeier and Hayes, 2006). Developing high-quality dining experience (Rong and Jun, 2012) is the better way to create value of service to attraction (Sandstrà ¶m et al, 2008). Increasing market competition and growing customer service demands influence the organization to improve efficiency the service processes (Mascio, 2007). The good service process is the first for the restaurant to gain competitive advantage, to marketing success and to growing (Hee and Young, 2001). Restaurants that use the delivery of high service quality have the stronger competitive position (Kit and Ka, 2001). Customer Satisfaction and Customer Expectation The outcome of customers’ evaluation of a service is the satisfaction that based on a comparison of the recognition of service delivery with their previous expectations. (Johnston and Clark, 2005). Thus restaurant need to understand the customers’ service expectations (Johnston and Clark, 2001:2005; Ford and Heaton, 2000), that is an essential for delivering greater service because they represent implicit performance standards that customers use in assessing service quality (Andronikidis et al, 2009). Understanding customer expectations performed an importance part for delivering the customer satisfaction. Customer expectations include two levels are desired expectation and adequate expectation. Desired expectations represented the customer wanted the service to perform that the service â€Å"should be†. While adequate expectations are the satisfactory performance that the service â€Å"will be†(Yen and Soe, 2010). Customer Experience and Service Process Services are the experience that depends on human and delivery system. Because of the growing of Service Business, the organization should move into the customer experience management that is importance to creating customer loyalty by creating meaningful and memorable. (Bitner et al., 2007). Experience can be determined as the aggregate and increasing customer awareness created during the process of learning about, obtaining and using a product or service (Jiang, 2008). Customer experience has been treated as embedded in service quality. It is also measured by comparing expectations before, and perceptions after the experience, or perceptions only, through different predetermined service attributes (Walter et al, 2010). Service process is the part of the customer’s experience creation. (Johnston and Clark, 2001:2005) That includes the human element (the people who interacting with customers) and the material production process (Ford and Heaton, 2000). The service process is a collection of activities that represents all of the steps over a period of time (Bitner et al., 2007). Service Blueprint There are a lot of techniques that used to develop the service delivery system for the guest experience. One of them is the service blueprint that is the method of process modeling that use to visualize, analyze, organize, control and develop service processes for improving the internal and external of organization (Gersch et al., 2011). Service Blueprint helps the organization to see the key operational, human resources, and marketing issues that offering the service experience for the customer, easily (Bitner et al., 2007). Dong and Shiang (2010) suggested the service system bird’s eyeview that shows all of the steps in the service process can guarantee the customer satisfaction. The workflow description helps the organization to watch out all of service parts that can provide to improve the failure points. Service Blueprinting is the process of creating the delivering service standard that shows the personnel and equipment required (Mascio, 2007). This method adapts for service innovation, quality improvement, customer experience design, and strategic change focused around customers as a highly effective (Bitner et al., 2007) and effectiveness (Hummel and Murphy, 2011). Drucker (1977) mentions the effectiveness as â€Å"doing the right things†and the efficiency as â€Å"doing things right†. Moreover this technique involves a description of the different process steps visually and in continuity, helping to define the steps at which the customer uses the core service and to identify the additional benefits that make up the increased product (Pires et al., 2004). Components of Service Blueprint Coenen et al. (2011) defines a service blueprint as â€Å"†¦visually displays activities by simultaneously depicting the process of service delivery, the points of customer contact, the roles of customers and employees, and the physical surrounding of the perceived process†. A typical service blueprint consists of five components (Bitner et al., 2007): (1) Customer actions: All of steps that show the customers’ activity. (2) Onstage/visible contact employee actions: Face-to-face actions between the customers and employees (3) Backstage/invisible contact employee actions: All of the employee actions, but the customer can’t see. (4) Support processes: All the tangibles that customers are exposed to that can influence their quality perceptions. (5) Physical evidence: All the activities carried out by individuals and units within the company who are not contact employees. Moreover, there are the actions that separated by diverse â€Å"lines†(Coenen et al., 2011; Gersch et al., 2011). The â€Å"line of interaction†separates the customer activity from the provider action, showing the direct interactions between customer and provider. Above the â€Å"line of interaction†, there are the activities, choices, and interactions performed by the customer. The â€Å"line of visibility†differentiates between the visible (onstage) and invisible (backstage) to the customer. Above the â€Å"line of visibility†, there are the actions and decisions carried out by front office employees. The â€Å"line of internal interaction†distinguishes between front office and back office activities. Support processes which are necessary to aid front office employees in delivering the service are carried out below the â€Å"line of internal interaction†. Research Method Regarding to the aim of this paper the research must examine and apply to improve the service process for service experience. For the collection of comprehensive and detail information about customer’s expectation in the service delivery process. First of all, In-depth interview was used to be the method to help on creating the questionnaire. The questionnaire was devised to measure customer expectations in term of quality of service of the restaurant. References Andronikidis, A., Georgiou, A.C., Gotzamani, K., Kamvysi, K. The application of quality function deployment in service quality management. The TQM Journal, 21/4(2009), pp. 319-333 Bitner, M. J., Ostrom, A. L., and Morgan, F. N., 2007. Service Blueprint: A Practical Technique for Service Innovation. Center for Service Leadership, Arizona State University. Coenen, C., Felten, D.V., and Schmid, M., 2011. Managing effectiveness and efficiency through FM blueprinting. Facilities, Vol. 29 Iss: 9/10, pp.422 436 Dong, S.C. and Shiang, L.Y., Combining Kano model and service blueprint for adult day care service  A case study in Taiwan, Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM), 2010 7th Drucker, P. (1977), An Introductory View of Management, Harper College Press, New York, NY. Ford, R. C., and Heaton, C. P., 2000. Managing the Guest Experience in Hospitality. Delmar Thomson Learning. Gersch, M., Hewing, M., and Schà ¶ler B., Business Process Blueprinting – an enhanced vi ew on process performance. Business Process Management Journal, 17/5(2011), pp.732-747 Hee, W.K., Young, G.K., Rationalizing the customer service process. Business Process Management Journal, 7 /2(2001), pp. 139-156 Hummel, E. and Murphy, K.S., Using Service Blueprint to Analyze Restaurant Service Efficiency. Cornall Hospitalty Quarterly, 52/3(2011). Jiang, K., New Service Development for Interactive Experience. Service Operations and Logistics and Informatics 2008 International Conference on (2008) G
Saturday, October 26, 2019
A Brief History of Bonn Essay -- Thebaean legionaries, germany
With traces of humans dating back 50,000 years, Bonn is considered to be one of Germany’s oldest cities (History). The city of Bonn â€Å"celebrated its 2000th anniversary in 1989, based on the date of its first written mention by the Roman writer Florus in 11 BC†(History). â€Å"Friedrich Schlegel once called Bonn a â€Å"friendly†town and it has been a friendly town throughout the whole 2000 years if its existence, which dates back to the foundation of the Drusus fort in the year 13 BC (Schleifer).†Around 11 BC, a Roman army placed a unit in what is present day downtown. However, before this occurred, the army moved members of a Germanic tribe, the Ubii, to Bonna which is Latin for Bonn. After many years, the army released the small camp linked to the Ubii-settlement. Around the 1st century AD, the Roman army then took a spot to the north of emerging Bonna in what is now the section of Bonn-Castell to build a military fort called Castra Bonnensis, whi ch means Fort Bonn. This Fort was used through the 5th century AD and continued to stand in the Middle Ages, where the fort was called Bonnburg. The structures were not of much use until the Frankish kings who were in control at this time decided to use them as part of the city wall in the 13th century. Barbarian invaders destroyed much of the original city of Bonna, and when the time came for the barbarians to take over, the troops switched their allegiances to save themselves from certain death. It is from these barbarians that the medieval city of Bonn began to rise (Bonn). â€Å"One well-documented event was the martyrdom of two Thebaean legionaries. The Thebaean Legion was an all-Christian legion, which refused to worship the emperor as a god. As punishment, the Thebaean Legion's commander, Ma... ...rk: Berghahn Books, 2010. Print. "Bonn." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 25 Apr. 2014. Web. 27 Apr. 2014. "Bonn: A Brief History." A Brief History of Bonn. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2014. "Bonn Travel Guide." Travel Guide. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. de Bruyn, Gerd . Post tower : Helmut Jahn, Werner Sobek, Matthias Schuler. Berlin; Boston: Birkhauser Verlag, 1997. Print. "Drachenfels (Siebengebirge)." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 18 Apr. 2014. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. Website Flagge, Ingeborg. Architektur in Bonn nach 1945 : Bauten in der Bundeshauptstadt und ihrer Umgebung. Bonn: Rohrscheid, 1984. Print. Grosser, Dieter. German Unification: The Unexpected Challenge. Oxford: Berg, 1992. Print. "Hans Riegel Bonn = HARIBO - A Traditional Brand with History." Hans Riegel Bonn = HARIBO - A Traditional Brand with History. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2014.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Fashion Boutique Industry of Kathmandu
Management in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration. This proposal writing assignment was guided by our course instructor Mr.. Parka's C. Battier and with his help and my interest I selected the topic: An Overview of the Fashion Boutique Industry of Nepal. I have always been interested in fashion. When I was given this opportunity to do a project work on the interest of my choice, I had no doubt it was going to be related with the fashion industry of Nepal. The fashion industry worldwide seems to be at its glamorous eight, having its reach from New York to Paris to London and Tokyo.All over the globe the latest trends travel so fast that designers are busy making forecasts for each and every season and occasion they can think of. The modern technologies, media, and the entertainment industry have propelled fashion into new, unforeseeable heights. People everywhere are becoming more and more fashion conscious and the Naples are n ot behind. The increasing number of trendy boutiques in Nepal and almost every major street being lined up with fashion and clothing stores show there is a rising demand for high fashion among the modern Naples.The fashion industry is very lucrative and its scope is unlimited. Nepal, being such a culturally and naturally diverse country, has a lot of inspiration for the fashion industry. If this diversity can be converted into creativity and be sustainable entrenched in the fashion industry of Nepal through the fashion boutiques, this industry would ultimately have a very unique image, so much so that Nepal should also consider it as a potential forte. To understand the current Naples fashion boutiques industry and see the area of potential in it, who better to ask than boutique owners?These are the people who are in the industry; who know about fashion, designs, and trends ultimately shaping the Naples fashion industry into new forms. They are the people who are learning about what is happening in the industry right now and what will or should happen in the future of the fashion industry of Nepal. So, I have decided to survey the boutique owners of the Splendor area of Paten since that seems to be the centre point of the boutique industry of Katmandu valley. With this research, I hope to understand the current market of fashion boutiques in Nepal and discover its constraints as well as potential scope.I have always been fascinated by the fashion industry. It is a mixture of art, pop culture, ideas and creativity. The fashion industries everywhere in the world are on new levels while the Naples fashion industry is still in its infancy. One of the major components of the total fashion industry of Nepal is the fashion boutique industry. Being a business student, I see considerable scope in this industry since it has a constantly growing market and it has the ability to revive itself with the changing times because of the creativity of the designers involved.I ch ose to research about he fashion boutique industry to see where the boutiques stand in the Naples fashion industry at the moment, to examine the constraints imposed for its growth and to assess its possible scope. As a result, I want to find out whether there is a possibility that it will stand and even compete in the same level with the imported ready-to-wear industry of Nepal in the future. The questions that I would like to address in this study are: 1. What is the current state of fashion boutique industry in Nepal? 2. What are the factors that are hindering the growth of the boutiques of Nepal? . What is the scope of the fashion boutique industry in Nepal? 4. What should be done to propel the fashion boutique industry into an established and respected industry in the country? 1. 3 Objectives of the Study 1. 3. 1 General Objective The main objective of this research is to find out the actual state of the boutique industry of Katmandu I. E. The present state, constraints and the future scope of the industry. 1. 3. 2 Specific objectives 1. To understand the current state of the fashion boutiques in Katmandu. 2. To identify the constraints faced by the fashion boutiques 3.To identify the scope and opportunities for the fashion boutique industry 1. 4 Importance of the study Fashion is important to almost everyone. Gone are the days where clothes were only used to hide your body or protect it. These days, clothing and style plays a huge role in peoples' lives. Every day, we see hundreds of people. Whether we see them on the street, at work, at school, or on television, people pass through our visual field. It may be intentional or unintentional but we form opinions about people based on their style of dress.This study will be useful in understanding the current state of fashion boutique industry of Nepal. It will help to determine, as well as, understand the obstacles and constraints faced by the boutique owners of Nepal. It will even help to understand about t he state of mind of the Naples in terms of the connection between fashion and boutiques, and also about the influences of international fashion in Nepal. With the completion of this research, areas of potential or scope of the boutique industry or where this industry should be heading will be clear and the possibility of generation of market in fashion will be illustrated.This research will be helpful to anyone who wants a glimpse of the fashion boutique industry of Nepal. It will also be helpful to those people who will want to go in the boutique industry in the future, for creative or business purposes, as the project will illuminate where this industry is heading. 1. 5. Limitations of the study This study is not absolutely free from limitations; the limitations that may be observed are as follows: a. Since the study use primary and secondary data in order to prepare report, the data collection might be influenced by social crisis and personal influence of the data collector. . As the study is to be conducted by the students themselves, many opportunities to conduct a detailed market research may e lost due to budget and time constraints. C. The primary data used in this research will be from only a random sample of boutiques, which may not reflect the opinions of the boutique owners of the entire industry. D. The secondary data used in this research is limited as no such research has been done in Nepal in the past. E. The study may lack exact information because it is based on the opinions and information provided by the surveyed boutique owners. F.Certain information may be based on approximation. G. Many of the respondents may not answer the questions provided in the questionnaire. Fashion, design and clothing can incorporate a wide range of different activities: These days, almost everything is related to fashion, from cars to architecture to stationery (AS Consultation y Formica ¶n, 2008). However, in this report, when we refer to the fashion sector w e will be using the term in its most traditional sense – as the original fashion sector that has expanded to incorporate other parts of our life – the clothing sector and fashion in terms of the way people dress.Apparel products are typically classified into broad categories, such as basic commodity products (knit underwear and socks), fashion-basic products (dress shirts, casual slacks, and knit sportswear), â€Å"better†fashion (moderately priced dresses and suits), â€Å"bridge†fashions (higher priced ready-to-wear fashion products), designer collections (high quality and expensive ready-to-wear fashion products) and custom-made haute couture (Abernathy, et al. , 1999).These fashion categories are often portrayed in a â€Å"fashion pyramid†in which products are arrayed according to factors such as fashion content, length of product life cycle, quality, and price (see Figure 1). The Fashion Pyramid More Fashion Content More Product Differentia tion Designer Greater Demand Uncertainty Collections Higher Quality Fabric Higher Price Shorter Product Cycles Shorter Production Runs Diagram 2: The Fashion Pyramid (Derringer & Cretan, 2006). The boutiques of Nepal fall in the category of Better Fashions or Bridge Fashion collections.A boutique is a small shopping outlet, especially one that specializes in elite and fashionable items such as clothing and Jewelry. In terms of Nepal, boutiques are a small shopping outlets specializing in fashionable ready-to wear items, as well as a home to the boutique owner's creations. Dozens of boutiques and fashion designing companies lining up from Bagman Bridge to Himalayan Hotel in Expandable is enough to indicate that fashion has already grown up as an entrepreneurship in Katmandu. Youth have started to see a good prospect in fashion as entrepreneurship.National Institute of Art and Fashion Designing, India Education Center, Unman College of Fashion Technology, Alkaloid Institute of Fashion Designing and Lord Buddha Education Foundation are some of the institute offering fashion education in Nepal. The scene in the Nepal fashion industry is not quite bleak indeed. Fashion boutiques are growing in Katmandu and in other cities like Dharma, Pokka, Butyl, and Bipartisan, too (Timpanist, 2009). Small fashion boutiques remain to have certain advantages over larger retail formats.It is found that find that small fashion boutiques excel in relational marketing and store branding. Small boutiques operators invest their effort in relational marketing by developing friendship with a group of core customers and supplying accurate fashion information to all customers. Although small fashion retailers cannot afford to have specialized marketing staff or a budget for mass media advertisements, their mall size put them in a position to develop relational marketing with their customers much more thoroughly and deeply than large fashion retailers.Also, small fashion boutiques effective ly gain store brand equity through flexible visual merchandising and cultivating a charismatic image for the operator. (Chew, 2009) The marketing of boutique follows the conventional marketing patterns, which is dependent on selection of venue of the outlets and the product mix (designs and sizes), as well as the promotional strategy. Furthermore, the boutique owner has to marketing techniques like: -Displaying and distributing it as proper places Usage of electronic media: I. E. Rejection of the boutique in fashion programs, advertisement on television, and provision of dresses to various television plays and films. -Even arrangement: like fashion shows and photo-shoots Moreover, in order to keep abreast with the emerging trends and client tastes, surveys regarding customer satisfaction/needs should be regular feature of the project. As this project deals in designer women wear, therefore the product mix will comprise of different styles of the female dresses in different sizes. Fa shion is in an era of change driven by designers, consumers and brands.The fashion industry today, in Nepal like in India, is a mixture of influences due to globalization resulting in a shift in the socio-cultural, economic, demographic and cryptographic make up of the country; these directly and indirectly have an impact on fashion (Insight Inshore, 2011). From the many fashion schools, institutes and other small scale institutes, there has been a birth of a new breed of experimental designers with no reservations about any mode of self expression. There is a rise of new target groups across the diverse sub-continent.Further, there is an increased awareness of fashion accelerated by advances in technology and media proliferation (Insight Inshore, 2011). Boutiques currently have a high potential market, but something missing. There is a shallow awareness of diverse target segments; there isn't an in-depth understanding to identify diverse requirements & new segments. There is an abi lity to predict the effect of regular media influences on existing target groups, dependence on western trend adaptations; there isn't an ability to forecast fashion adaptations across a diverse map (Insight Inshore, 2011).There is a traditional static, consumer-research eased approach to design & strategy; there isn't a dynamic approach driven by an understanding of trends, and shoppers along with traditional consumer research. There is mostly independent design and business strategies; there isn't a cohesive design and business strategy that is borne out of trend, consumer & shopper research. 1. 7 Conceptual framework In Nepal, small fashion boutiques that provide its clients with custom-made as well as ready-made innovative designs of clothing.They are becoming increasingly popular, as seen by their presence in every major street of the Katmandu valley. It is essential to analyze their current state so that the future or scope of the boutique industry can be accurately predicted. Purpose of boutiques Cost Customers Socio-economic changes Political scenario Area of expertise Regulations Resource management Competition Diagram 1: Conceptual Framework In this context, this study has made the framework given below to get a glimpse of the fashion boutique industry of Nepal.Here, by getting an idea of the purpose of boutiques, cost and their customers, we can get a pretty good idea about the current state of fashion boutiques of Nepal. From the current state, the future of this industry can be illuminated by exploring the opportunities of this industry such as changes in the socio-economy of the country, finding particular areas of expertise or niche, and expanding resource base. But the growth of the industry is hindered to a certain extent by factors such as competition, regulations of governments, and the political scenario of the country.All this is illustrated in the framework above. 1. 8 Research Methods 1. 8. 1 Study Area The study was conducted by surveyi ng the boutique owners of Katmandu valley, primarily of the Splendor area of Paten. The boutiques were randomly selected and surveyed. I chose this particular location for my study because it is one of the thriving places for boutiques and fashion in Nepal right now, as seen with the entire road being lined up with boutiques on either side. 1. 8. 2 Research Design The main purpose of this study is to give more information about fashion industry of Nepal.Hence, with the help of this study, we come to know about the current state of fashion boutique industry and find its potential scope that is very important for the people who have an interest in this industry, for personal or professional purposes. Therefore, the research design is descriptive in nature. 1. 8. 3 Nature and Source of Data Both primary and secondary data were used for the study. Since the study use both sources of information, both qualitative and quantitative data were utilized for the study. To get information on th is study about the current state of fashion boutique industry, various published articles were used.And in order to learn about the future scope of the fashion industry and current market as well, primary data was viewed. Primary data was collected from the randomly selected boutique owners of Splendor and secondary data and information was collected from various published articles and reports, though very little secondary data was used. 1. 8. 4 Data Collection Techniques The structured questionnaire was used to collect the primary data for the study is attached in Annex 2. A set of structured questionnaire was developed to conduct interviews with owners of fashion boutiques.All the information that includes the current market, constraints and scope of the fashion industry was asked with the help of the closed questionnaire. For the sampling procedure, 20 boutiques were elected and the owners of those boutiques were asked questions about their understandings and opinions of the bout ique and fashion industry of Nepal. The convenience sampling technique was made use of in the study area. 1. 8. 5 Data Analysis and Report Writing All the collected data has been properly processed by entering the collected data in the computer software SIPS.In SIPS, through the use of various mathematical and statistical tools, the collected data has been refined and analyzed. Different tables, charts, diagrams and graphs have been used as applicable. All these findings have en presented well in the summer project report. CHAPTER – II DATA ANALYSIS AND MAJOR FINDINGS This chapter is the heart of the report. The questionnaires filled by participants are tabulated and analyzed in order to come closer to our objectives. That very analysis is mainly presented in this chapter with the help of figures and charts.Questionnaire brief 20 boutique owners of Splendor had filled out the questionnaire (prototype in Annex) I had provided them with. Below, the answers provided by them are analyzed in order to understand the fashion boutique industry of Nepal and explore its scopes and threats. Note: The words â€Å"boutique owner†and â€Å"designer†are used interchangeably as in case of this report, they both are the same person. In some of the charts and graphs, the total response has come to more than 20 because some respondents have treated the question as multi-response questions.Data Presentation and Analysis 1 . Current state of fashion boutique industry The current state of the boutique fashion industry largely depends on the character, nature, and skill levels of the ones who control the industry I. E. The boutique owners. Presented below is a graph illustrating the basic demography (education level and ender) of those very owners. Figure 1: Education and gender of boutique owners Field study, 2011 As we can see here, 90% of the boutique owners are female while only 10% of them are male.This isn't a big surprise because it is usually women who are more interested in fashion and trends in general in most societies. Also, all of the owners have completed their bachelor level and some have even achieved their masters' degree. From the surveys filled out by them, it is seen that all of them have done some kind of course or training related to fashion or design such as Diploma in Fashion Designing, Bachelor in Fashion Design, etc. Some have even gone abroad for their trainings, such as Sunlit Martha Sahara, owner of Jaeger who studied in Metro Design Institute of North Carolina, USA.We can clearly see from the study that currently, all the boutique owners of Katmandu are highly trained professionals with extensive knowledge and training in their fields. 1. 1 Purpose When the boutique owners were asked why they had decided to open a boutique and Join the industry, the results were as follows: Figure 2: Purpose of opening boutiques A staggering 90% of the boutique owners claim to have opened a boutique because hey have a passio n for designing and creating new things.Only 10% have chosen this field for other reasons. In the questionnaire, these 10% of the owners have mentioned that they chose this field because they wanted to â€Å"earn money with [their] creativity and skills that [they] possessed as designers†. We see that most boutique owners have chosen to be in this field because they followed their heart. As we have already established in the introduction part of this project that fashion boutiques are small shopping outlets specializing in fashionable ready-to wear items and custom-
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Tokyo Moulding Company in Malaysia
1. 0 Introduction This is a study about the worldwide expansion activity of a firm in Asian region. The basic motive or aim of this study is to gain extra knowledge on international business management throughout the interview with the decision maker of that particular internationalized firm. Basically, all basic information obtained is generally come from the interviewee. Nevertheless, we had some help from the internet as well in conducting this study to enhance all the missing point that we might not consider during the interview.Next, from all information we obtain from any resources, we had done an analysis on this internationalized firm, Tokyo Mould Shd. Bhd. The tools used in the analysis include SWOT analysis, CAGE framework and market entry strategy to conduct a full analysis on all aspect regarding the strength, weakness, opportunity, threat, cultural influences, political issue, geographical issue, economical issue, and entry mode or strategy imply.During analysis by using the tools that mentioned earlier, each tools will explain the issue in detail including the advantages or disadvantages, reason and etc, to ensure reader to have a perfect understanding from all aspect such as strength of company, weakness and etc. All explanation is based on facts and data obtained. Extract from analysis tools, we are able to categorized the priority of this firm in this market or industry, able to identify the problem faced by this firm as well and determine the strategy to overcome the problems or obstacles along the path in international business.Next, we will conduct some recommendation for this particular company by suggesting some ideas which are able to improve company operations and some idea to fix some of the problems that occur to this company. Also, some personal opinion such as agree in some business strategy done by Tokyo Mould is listed in the recommendation part. Finally, we conduct a conclusion from overall data obtain by inserting brief justifica tion base on analysis, suggestion and recommendation to finalize our case study. 2. 0 Company Background Tokyo Mould Shd.Bhd is small and medium enterprise which mainly focus on Moulding business. It is currently located at Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. It is establish since the year 1985 according to our interviewee, Mrs. Lim Siew Lee. Mrs. Lim Siew Lee is one of the present owner of this company. She is the wife of the owner of this company and she had worked in this company for 20 over years with her husband. Her main duty in this company are accounting, managing staff, financing and others documentations work task. Basically, Tokyo Mould Shd. Bhd have clients from oversea including Thailand, Japan and U.K which Japan is the main customer. Japan is the first country Tokyo Mould approach due to the introduction from others business partner. The first deal was made with Japan after the inspection of Tokyo Mould’s product quality by a Japan representative which came to Malaysia to examine not only the product quality but as well as the whole operation environment indeed. Fitting all the requirement of Japan is the main reason of the success of Tokyo Mould to enter the Japan Market. Exporting is the entry mode for Tokyo Mould to internalized the business.The reason for using such entry mode is because this company had experienced failure by forming joint venture with others before. It was 10 years ago from present that this company is actually form a joint venture with LEE HENG Mould Sdn. Bhd. Back then, business was corrupted due to economic crisis and forming joint venture doesn't seems to have any help in overcome the problems. Instead, it is a burden when problems occur to the joint venture partner according to Mrs. Lim. Also, Tokyo Plastic Mould Shd. Bhd is the previous company name before the business corrupt due to economic crisis.In present, Tokyo Mould is now strive to achieve the best services and create the best product quality and aim to expand bus iness by establish own subsidiaries at foreign region in the future. 3. 0 ANALYSIS (Tools) We have interviewed one of the decision makers of Tokyo Mould Sdn Bhd and discovered issues faced by the company. From there, we did a few analyses to help overcome those issues that the company is encountering. Firstly, we started off with the SWOT analysis. 3. 1 SWOT STRENGTHS- most affordable and reasonable price- using U.S dollar currency for business transaction – experienced (20 years)| WEAKNESSES- brand not famously well-known in the foreign country- manufacture imperfect pattern (loses money)- late payment by the debtor| OPPORTUNITIES- capable for global expansion- growing future revenue| THREATS- competitors (product volatility, competitive prices)- economy crisis| 3. 1. 1 STRENGTHS Tokyo Mould offers the most affordable and reasonable price compared to other companies from the same industry.The price factor enables Tokyo Mould to compete with other competitors in the market. N ot only that, this advantage leads to customer preferences to be in the list of choices for company selection. Many business organization’s aim is to ensure that the profit of the product is more than the cost of the manufacture. Plus, every business transaction that Tokyo Mould deals with the international company is using U. S dollar currency. According The Star Online, 1 U. S Dollar is equivalent to RM3. 1590. (The Star Online, Retrieved 4th November 2011 from Exchange Rate) Website: http://biz. thestar. com. y/business/exchange. asp. It is an advantage for Tokyo Mould because by using U. S Dollar, it is easier to standardize its mould cavity and their values. Not forgetting, one of their strengths of Tokyo Mould is their expertise in this business. Tokyo Mould has been running in the market for 20 years now. This clearly shows that they are experienced and professional in their business line. 3. 1. 2 WEAKNESSES Even though Tokyo Mould has been in the market for 20 years b ut its name is not widely known by the public especially in the foreign country. This is due to the existing company from the same business line.Most probably is because of the poor marketing strategy by Tokyo Mould. They mainly focus on the ongoing process and try to maintain their loyal customers. Another one of their weaknesses is that the defect product caused by the worker. Sometimes during the Moulding process, the outcome of the pattern is not perfect as its design. Therefore, the product cannot be used and been rejected. This cause loses of money to the company. Most difficult part of this business is the late payment by the debtor. Tokyo Mould has to tolerate to the policies and procedure of the debtor.There are companies which apply to the finance policies and procedures of payment after 45 to 180 days depending of the total amount of the product purchased. 3. 1. 3 OPPORTUNITIES By doing this business, it has a great opportunity for Tokyo Mould to expand its business globa lly. Tokyo Mould’s business has gradually growing and earning profit as the years goes. Many international companies prefer to import products from Asia countries because of lower cost expenditure. Tokyo Mould is capable to fit in the criteria as they have full equipment and labor force to conduct the business.In conjunction with Tokyo Mould’s objective to gain more profit, fame and resources, going global gives a great opportunity for growing future revenue to expand its company globally. 3. 1. 4 THREATS Most threatening factor that Tokyo Mould is facing frequently is the competitor from the same company such as Sony and Broubybrown. Competitors produce more advanced and creative products seasonally. Not forgetting, competitive prices by the competitors. It is difficult for Tokyo Mould to decide on the best price to compete with others. Plus, the condition of the economy is unpredictable.Tokyo Mould has encountered economic crisis in the year 1990. That causes them a down fall but fortunately due to the economy stable come back, they are doing fairly well now. 3. 2 CAGE distance framework. CULTURE- Fulfill promises- Prefer things get done on time- Tokyo Mould priorities customers need| ADMINISTRATIVE- management policy not affected- minimal tax charges| GEOGRAPHICAL- prefect courier services so far- forgivable delay if occurs| ECONOMIC- using U. S dollar currency- economic crisis- loses money due to defect | 3. 2. 1 CULTUREThe Japanese customers are quite fussy in making deal. However, it is a good thing for both parties. The Japanese want their products to get done on time and do not give in to any delay and defects of the products. By this culture, the Japanese managed to get their things done in time whereas Tokyo Mould can proceed with other deals. Plus, Tokyo Mould priorities their customer and always try their best to fulfil customer needs. Tokyo Mould is towards allocentric. Tokyo Mould concerned with the interests of others instead of on e’s own. 3. 2. 2 ADMINISTRATIVEFor administrative issue, it does not affect the international business in terms of company policy as well as political issue or government invention. Basically, company policy do not affect business in overseas as it's only affect domestic region. Company policy of Tokyo Mould mainly focuses on employee commitment in aspect of work efficiency and personal attitude. All rules are generally similar with every small-medium enterprise as there will not much affect oversees business. As mention, Tokyo Mould chooses exporting as entry mode but not establish subsidiary in foreign region.Therefore, company policy doesn't affect much is because there is no foreign employee exist which they might not familiar with company policy as each company policy different from another especially in different country. As for political issue or government intervention, it is again because of the entry mode is exporting. There are only a few tax might charge along wit h transportation fee. Otherwise, there is not much issue occur according to our interviewee. 3. 2. 3 GEOGRAPHICAL For Tokyo Mould, there is not much geographical issue to be concern or causes trouble in business operation according to Mrs.Lim. In fact, she mentioned that she was very please and satisfies with current courier services. The basic exporting method is by using courier services such as FedEx Malaysia. From information obtain, there is seldom mistake happen before till present day. Only some small matter such as delay which is forgivable as it’s mostly causes by unexpected incident such as weather. Generally, geographical issue doesn't cause much trouble to Tokyo Mould is because Tokyo Mould does not have any subsidiary or forming any joint venture with foreign region.It is believe that only having subsidiary or joint venture with foreign country will cause troubles such as information delay due to high range of geographical area, transportation issue or delay in r ecovering data when a subsidiary incur a error of system with all information erased. 3. 2. 4 ECONOMIC Basically, Tokyo Mould uses U. S dollar currency for every business transaction. Tokyo Mould does not have problem with that as it they consider it as one of the advantage to earn more. However there is one threatening issue is the economy crisis.They have once experienced it and this situation is barely avoidable. It is part of business risk. 3. 3 STRATEGIES One of Tokyo Mould strategies for global expansion is by exporting. They started off with Japan and then followed by the U. K and Thailand. They use courier express such as DHL. So far their record is good and hardly any complaint is filed against the product and services of the end molding products. Tokyo Mould is more to direct exports where direct marketing and selling to the client is practiced. Tokyo Mould would not consider joint venture at this moment due to history.They have joined venture with LEE HENG Sdn Bhd that fo cuses on plastic, injection and molding but alas their business failed due to economic crisis. They lose a huge amount of money and forced to shut down the company. It was a crucial time for the Tokyo Mould owner. Currently they are not planning to have subsidiaries in international company because they have insufficient financial aid to set up their company in those respective countries that is dealing with right now. Maybe in the future, Tokyo Mould would consider this strategy once the Penang Company is really stabilized in domestic market.The co-owner, Ms Lim Siew Lee advised us that networking is the key in doing business internationally. This is so because the help of other big company has help SME Company like Tokyo Mould to experienced a chance to deal with international client. Furthermore, we are advised to be humble when doing business and keep our words with the clients. 4. 0 Recommendation (Analysis) After the SWOT and CAGE framework analysis, in my perspective, there a re some plans should be implemented by Tokyo Mould Sdn. Bhd. Firstly, Tokyo Mould an be consider is a very successful although this company does not have a very proficient business website, as Mrs. Lim told us, the most of the customers are introduced by others bigger company or business partner. Business website can be said have the potential for reaching a wider audience, regarding this, Tokyo Mould should upgrade their internet site about own company business, With a more proficient internet site, the product or service is accessible easily, the loyal customers or potential customers can 24 hours a day, 7 days a week update the Tokyo Mould latest information.These can convenience communications between Tokyo Mould and its customers in order to build a better business relationship around the world. Besides that, the reputation of the company can be increase, gained competitive advantages and can save a lot of money in communication and administrative cost through creating a qualit y business website. Secondly, after they start up the business, Tokyo Mould already entered their business in certain overseas countries such as Tokyo, Thailand and also UK, we can see the financial for this company can be consider stable.As Mrs. Lim mention earlier, the prices they offered enable Tokyo Mould to compete with other competitors in the global market and this advantage leads to customers preferences to be in the list of choices for company selection. Hence, Tokyo Mould can expand their business to other foreign country such as Indonesia, China and so on. Since the reason made Tokyo Mould move to international expansion is to gain more profit, fame and resources in the future, the company should take this action in their consideration in order to achieve to goals.Thirdly, from before till present day, Tokyo Mould only used exporting through courier express as their entry mode to enter international market. As Mrs. Lim mention earlier, this is because previously they trie d joint venture with other similar company and it doesn’t work so well. In my perspective, Tokyo Mould should try again joint venture with company that located in foreign countries, joint ventures often relate to the whole enterprise and could be the viable option to grow Tokyo Mould business without sacrificing what they have already built instead of a company may have less control when exporting their product into a foreign market.However, although joint venture more control is exerted, but the level of risk is also higher compared with through exporting. Last but not least, since the economic crisis issues if one the problem that Tokyo Mould often worrying, the company should control very well in their finance situation and cash flow in order to faced this kind of problem. As a conclusion, these are the suggestion and recommendation we can provide to Tokyo Mould Company after the interview analysis which is to create a more quality business website, expand business to more foreign country and also try to build joint venture with other foreign or local company. . 0 Conclusion As a conclusion, Tokyo Mould is a quite successful company in Moulding industry. Since the performance of the company keep growing in these few years, the company has the potential to become a bigger company in order to gain more profit, fame, and resources and also qualify to compete with their competitors. However, we discovered that are some challenge and obstacles encountered by Mrs. Lim such as economic crisis, Mould dimension defect and also competitors in running the company that are related with boots up the company performance.Besides that, networking is very important for Tokyo Mould as it is the tools to gain more international business regarding to its company performance. As Mrs. Lim mention earlier, networking, humble, keep the words is the key focus in doing business internationally, with the help of the business partner, Tokyo Mould only will have the chance to de al with international client and also expand the business globally.Moreover, every company have their strengths to cover up its company weaknesses, hence, Tokyo Mould must maintain its company strengths to conceal its company weaknesses, also keep seeking for the incoming opportunity to growth up their business and be aware of the uncertainty threats that will affect to their company business. By the way, when Tokyo Mould entered in international business, culture, administrative, geographical and economic issues should always in their mind to ensure no misunderstanding, misleading and miscommunication while making business with overseas clients especially Japan clients.Last, like I mention in recommendation, in order to get a better company performance, the company can create better quality of business website, try to joint venture with other company, and also expand the business to more overseas country. However, there is definitely barriers will incur when wider the business, the company can try to figure out the problem by using suitable strategy in order to overcome such barriers. 6. 0 References 1. (Banking, 2011) Banking, M. (2011). Exchange Rate. Retrieved November 08, 2011, from The Star Online: http://biz. thestar. com. my/business/exchange. sp 2. (Contact :Tokyo Mould Industries, 2002) Contact :Tokyo Mould Industries. (2002, March). Retrieved November 2011, from Tokyo Mould Industries: http://tokyolow. asiaep. com/contact. htm 7. 0 Appendices 7. 1 Verbatim Chris : Good morning madam Mrs.. Lim : Good morning Chris : Can you please introduce yourself? Mrs. Lim : Ok, my name is Lim Siew Lee, I’m one of the owner of this company, I’m 47. I’m also the wife of the company. Chris : Can you briefly tell us that what is your education background and your working experience in this particular company? Mrs.Lim : Well, my education background is only Form 5, I had worked in this company for 20 over years. My main duty in this company is acc ounting, managing staff, financing and also some documentation. Chris : Can you briefly tell me your company background? Mrs. Lim : Ok, as you know, my company is Tokyo Mould Shd Bhd. Our company mainly focus on Moulding business. We have clients from overseas like Thailand, Japan and U. K. We had established this company around 20 over years. 10 years back, our company name is Tokyo Plastic Mould Shd Bhd, that time we joint venture with LEE HENG Mould Sdn Bhd, the previously company ainly focus on plastic, injection and Moulding, but during the economic crisis time, we faced some financial problem and forced to shut down the company. After few years, we start up a brand new Mould company which is the current company. Chris : Ok, can you tell me which country is your company first internationalize? Mrs. Lim : Well, Japan is the first company we internationalize, because we get to know the first Japanese client from other business partner. After the Japanese client come to observe ou r product and service, they deal the first Moulding business with us and so on.Chris : So what is the reason had made your company move to first international expansion? Mrs. Lim : Because we want to gain more profit, fame and resources and our company now located at Penang, there are so many competitors existing like Sony, Broubybrown and so on. Chris : Which entry mode did your company use to expand internationally? What I mean is through something like exporting? Joint venture? Subsidiary? Or else? Mrs. Lim : Well, we only use export as our entry mode. This because previously we tried joint venture with other company, but it seem doesn’t work so well.So now we only export our Mould through courier express. Chris : Is there any advantages or disadvantages by using export as your entry mode? Mrs. Lim: For the advantages, can say all of our business transaction currency is using U. S dollar, this is easier to standardize our Mould cavity and their values. For the disadvantage s, can say is the duration of receiving payment is longer than the local transaction. Like for example, the duration of receiving payment will normally up to 180 days. Chris : Besides that, to which country your company export too? Mrs. Lim : As I mention earlier, we also export our Mould to Thailand and U.K too. Chris :Ok, when you expand your business globally, what is the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and also threats of your company in foreign market?. Mrs. Lim : Well, for the strengths, I can said that our Mould are more cheap compare with other bigger company. For weaknesses, I can said that our company popularity is not high as other bigger company, so sometime the foreigner not even know our company name. for the opportunities, I think our company might have chance to be like other bigger company someday, since this company business is keep growing.Threats, there are some larger company sometime will lower the market price and this will effect to our selling price as well as our profit. Chris : Is there any cultural or political issue will effect to your business when exporting Mould to foreign market? Mrs. Lim : Ya , sure, like cultural, the Japanese client prefer we can produce Mould to them on time. They might be unhappy if we delay our exporting our Mould to them. For the political issue, not much actually, there is no extra taxes as well. Chris : is there any geographical and economic issues will effect to your business globally?Mrs. Lim : Well, so far no. we very please with the courier express service, there is no any mistakes happen before. For economic, as I mention earlier, the U. S currency is actually give advantages for me to earn more. Chris : Ok, is the any other problems or challenges that might effect to your business globalize? Mrs. Lim : So far as I mention earlier, the competitors might be the big problems that we faced. Economic crisis also is one of the issue that we always worrying, this is because we faced this kind of ex perience previously and the company forced to shut down eventually.There is also sometime the Mould dimension might defect and cannot be use, so we have to redo the Mould, this will increase our cost and reduce our profit. Chris : Last, do you have any suggestion in doing global business or any extra information which like to share with us? Mrs. Lim : I can said networking is the key in doing business internationally, because the help of other big company, our SME company only will have the chance to deal with international client. Besides, we also must be humble when doing business and keep our words with our client. That’s all. 7. 2 Photo Gallery
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Scientific Management Is An Approach Management Essays
Scientific Management Is An Approach Management Essays Scientific Management Is An Approach Management Essay Scientific Management Is An Approach Management Essay Scientific direction is an attack that highlight on the scientific survey of work methods that improves workers effectiveness therefore addition production.Representatives of this attack include Frederick Winslow Taylor, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth and Henry Gantt ( Martin,2005: page34 ) . Frederick Winslow Taylor has research where that the human organic structure as a machine and can developed work more efficaciously and expeditiously. Taylor believed any occupation could be analysed and improved if there was a scientific discipline of work ( Inkson and kolb, 2002 ) . Frank and Lillian Gilbreth proposed gesture surveies to streamline the bricklaying procedure whereby Frank designed particular staging for different types of occupation. This lead to the workers increasing brick laid per twenty-four hours from 1000 to 2700 without addition in physical attempts ( Martin, 2001: page 37 ) .Henry L Gantt, one of Taylor closest associates made his parts in the scientific direction attack with the Gantt chart. A planning, scheduling and command in writing assistance that is still used ( Martin, 2001: page38 ) . Advantages of systematic scientific choice a directions are the systematic choice and progressive development of the workers whereby people are scientifically selected for the undertakings which they can execute and developing are given to further their cognition and abilities at it. Taylor s four rules of scientific directions are direction to co-operate with workers in guaranting the usage of proper methods. Second, workers are carefully selected and trained to execute undertakings utilizing scientifically developed methods. Third, each portion of a undertaking is studied scientifically and a best method is developed to executing it. Work and duties are divided between the direction and workers whereby the direction is responsible for be aftering work methods utilizing scientific rules and workers are responsible for making the work. Scientific direction has been accused of estranging the workers from their occupation and one of the few beginnings of power which employees have ( the power of accomplishment, the of implicit in be aftering the occupation every bit good as put to deathing it ) ( Inkson and Kolb ) , 2002: page53 ) .Disadvantages of scientific directions are the replacings of skilled workers with unskilled workers therefore diminishing the betterment of accomplishments and thoughts. Other disadvantages is that it could take to lower occupation satisfaction, absenteeism rate will increase, labour turnover, accidents will happen often, hapless motive is hapless and mental wellness is loss. However, scientific direction can besides make new responsible occupations which include more direction s occupation and in any instance may be inevitable in an environment where competition is high and each individual is endeavoring for maximal efficiency ( Inkson and kolb, 2002 ) . 411 Wordss B ) Administration Management Administration Management is an attack that emphasise on rule for directors to use on the whole construction and operation of the administrations. Henri Fayol and Chester Barnard, both executives of big house were two major parts to this attack ( Martin, 2001: Page 40 ) Harmonizing to Henri Fayol, there are five major maps of direction and they are be aftering, commanding, organizing and organizing ( Wikipedia Org,2012 ) .These five maps are based on the 14 rules that Fayol developed which had been in effectual in his ain direction and he believed could be used if applied anyplace ( lnkson and Kolb,2002 ) . Chester Barnard best know authorization depends less on those who gives orders that on those receive them, which are willing to adhere to it. Advantages of administrative direction are the integrities of bid whereby employees are to have orders from one superior merely. Fayols position on centralization harmonizing to the circumstance allows for flexibleness on determination devising. He advocates the directors to demo considerations for employees and to value the thoughts, amenability and the teamwork they show, as in his rules of equity, enterprise and esprit de corps. Directors are given the right to give orders with authorization accompanied by duty ) Inkson and Kolb, 2002 ) .Work is divided harmonizing to the forte of an employee and they should supply efficient consequences. Discipline is of import in any company, staffs should be on their best behavior in order for the smooth running of the administration and this may depend on good leading. Order should be maintained throughout the full administration and stuffs are to be kept in happy topographic point so as to do work easier for everyone. Hierarchical concatenati on of authorization defines the communicating tract in an administration whereby it extends from top to button and horizontal communicating can be used so every bit long as the directors are good informed ( Martin,201 ; Page41 ) . Disadvantages of administrative of administrative direction are the direction orientated theories where the directors, supervisors and employers do nt give much attend to the employees. The mechanical attack it has does non cover with the of import facets of directions viz. communicating, taking and motive. Concepts that are borrowed from the military scientific discipline, for illustration, Henri gave the of import of commanding and non directing the employees. Less of import is give to the informal administrations construction than it is it to the importance of formal administration ( Wikipedia Org, 2012 ) 389 Wordss Part 2 Angstrom The ground behind this formation of concern is chiefly due to the lifestyle alterations created by modern life whereby the eating house industry is turning steadily therefore the proprietor wants to put in it so as to do net income. An economic ground is that the proprietor has money and wants to put it in nutrient service eating off from place. Personal ground why the proprietor wants to open his concern of the experience and cognition that he has gained for being in the concern similar to this one enemy 34 old ages and accompanies with the money with he wishes to put in the market. 103 Wordss Important direction schemes are needed in order to get down a concern, net incomes and accomplish its ends. Some of which are. Roles, maps, efficiency, effectivity, accomplishments and competences.These schemes are discussed as follows: First, Tasty Food are supplying efficiency and effectivity by buying new equipment s and dining room trappingss to restitute the eating house. The kitchen is designed for high criterions of healthful efficiency and will be cleaned daily. Food costs and stock list control will be monitored by the computing machine system and checked daily by will be largely ordered stored in big ice chests in the for bringing possibly prepared beforehand and stocked. Catering will be treated as will invariably be tested for high criterions of freshness and pureness.Employees will be having significant information from the chef and will be kept informed on the latest on wellness feeding. Second, functions in the concern include the proprietor as the head chef and Tasty Food have assembled an impressive board of managers that represent some top professionals from the country which they believe would be a great plus to the development of the company. Best equipment has been retained to the design section. Third, competences are that the employees will be trained in the applications and doctrine of their different specific responsibilities. The chef will be supplying extended information to the employees and will update them on a day-to-day footing on the latest wellness eating issues. Furthermore, the accomplishments that Tasty Food offers to the employees are competitory rewards and wages and cardinal forces will have benefit bundles. In decision, map of Tasty nutrient are the duty for the fiscal wellbeing of the concern.The proprietor starts that the factors and responsible actions that will ensue in run intoing the companies basic fiscal ends are the consequence of the merchandises on the wellness and good being of the clients and staff. The impact that the concern patterns and picks will hold on the environment and high quality of equity, attitude, understanding and generousness between direction, staff clients and sellers is another factor to be considered. These direction schemes will assist Tasty nutrient to accomplish its end in making a repute of quality, consistence and security ( safety of nutrient ) that will do it the leader if a new manner of dining. 390 Wordss
Monday, October 21, 2019
Managing growth at
Managing growth at Brief description of the company and its environment began its operations in 1996. The mission of the company is to supply parents with sports equipment for their children at a lower cost than its competitors. The parents realized that they were discarding expensive clothes because as their children grew, the clothes became too small for them.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Managing growth at specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Sanjay Gupta, the founder of and his team decided to buy these clothes for re-sale. They also started buying surplus products from retailers and manufacturers, and selling them via the internet. They used the web site to market and sell these items, which increased their sales, profits, and revenues. Within a year, the sales rose by more than 80%, which increased their profits and revenues (â€Å"Supply chain optimization: managing gr owth at†3). In 2000, the management decided to evaluate the performance of the company over the previous years. The rapid increase in demand for the company’s products instrumented the decision made by the management. The management of which Sanjay was a part of saw the need to re-design the supply chain network in order to comply with the increasing demand for the company’s products (â€Å"Supply chain optimization: managing growth at†3). This is because the increase in demand also translated to an increase in costs, which would eventually surpass the revenues collected. therefore required a large storage capacity. This would help it curb the challenges associated with the expected growth in demand for its items. The company needed an optimal model solution to cut down ware-housing and transportation costs and maximize on profits. In order to manage efficiently, the company had two options. The company could either lease some ware-houses countrywide, or was to expand its ware-house space by leasing more space at the ware-house in St. Louis. The company had to weigh different variables in order to come up with sound managerial decision. These included the regional demands for sports clothes, fixed and variable ware-housing costs, inventory costs, transportation costs, and customer charges in every 4 units among others.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Summarize the problems and your recommendations One of the significant problems facing the company is that the demand for sports clothes is high for the current supply chain network. does not have enough ware-house space for items demanded by customers across the country. It is recommended that this company should distribute its network across different cities within the country. This will assi st the company avail its products to the customers at the right time, place, quantity, and quality (Geunes and Pardalos 209). Customers will be able to access the products, and hence get satisfied. The Company will be able to cut on transportation and ware-house costs, maximize on profits, and satisfy the needs of customers profitably. The company will also benefit because it will increase its market growth and market share. This will lead to increased sales, profits, and revenues; and hence gain a competitive advantage over its competitors. The other problem is that the company’s current methods are not efficient in relation to costs. It is recommended that the management of should adopt and use the non-linear method. This is because the model is the most efficient strategy considering that it provides low costs for the company compared to the other methods. If the Company adopts this method, it will be able to cut down on the cos ts and maximize on the profits. It will also have no problems in offering the items to customers at affordable prices, and hence the company will continue to gain a competitive edge. Geunes, Joseph, and P M. Pardalos. Supply Chain Optimization. New York: Springer, 2005. Print. Supply chain optimization: managing growth at n.d. PDF file. Web.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Managing growth at specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More
Sunday, October 20, 2019
All Aboard! 5 Tips to Launching Successful Blog Tours
All Aboard! 5 Tips to Launching Successful Blog Tours Though the time frame and number of stops varies, it’s typically 5-10 sites within a four week period. Think of it like a ten city booking, minus the â€Å"stage fright†and travel expense. What are some of the benefits to writers who are â€Å"on board†with this promotional tool? and social media buddies that can bring in potential book sales on a much larger scale than if authors were to promote through their efforts alone.   Blog Tours can help to generate a â€Å"buzz†about books and creative projects for a considerable period of time between â€Å"Tweets†, Facebook discussions, reviews and recommendations. There To make the most of yours, here are a few tips to optimize your efforts. 1. Do your homework. Not all sites are created equally. Before embarking on your journey, consider your goals, the desired readership, and the reputation of the blog. Though you can have a wonderful experience at any number of sites within popular niches, to get more bang for your buck, tour those with at least 100 followers, an â€Å"active community†or a Google Page Rank of at least a 3. 2. Be prepared to become actively involved in the process. In other words, you’ll get out of it what you put into it. Respond in a timely fashion to readers’ questions and comments. Be gracious.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Choose a Technology that you think should be improved or developed Essay
Choose a Technology that you think should be improved or developed - Essay Example This later saw other manufactures come in to the field of designing better vehicles rather than a horse drawn carriage which was fitted with engine. It was until the year 2005 that the USA led the world in total automobile production. Before the great depression in 1929, the whole world is known to have had approximately 32m automobiles in operation whereby, the US contributed to 90% of this total production. (Bajaria, 2001). An automobile is a wheeled motor vehicle whose role is to transport passengers and goods from one point to another which carries its own engine. We cannot fail to mention the role which these automobiles have played towards the growth of our economies. In the field of transport, goods and services can be transported from one region to another. Trade has been enabled here between countries since goods are exported and also imported hence customers are in a position to enjoy a wide variety of products in the market. Basically, automobiles are designed to run on roads, most of them have more than one wheels, and have seats for passengers to sit on. This is one of the advanced technologies so far. This is because, you find that it is out of the introduction of these cars then that people are in a position to move from one town to another and even from one country to another. This technology has many advantages than its disadvantages though it can also be improved. Most of these vehicles move on roads and our argument here will be based on the cars which move on roads. (Bajaria, 2001). Around the whole world, there are approximately 807 million light trucks and cars in our roads. This was out of a research which was carried in a sample of countries around the world in the year 2007 which were consuming over 260 billion US gallons of diesel and gasoline fuel around the year. The table below show how important this technology has been. In India, the table below shows
Friday, October 18, 2019
Check order instruction and attachment Assignment
Check order instruction and attachment - Assignment Example 1. Steering Wheel with Bluetooth Technology: The steering, wrapped in leather, is fitted with Bluetooth technology for remote control and steering lock. Apart from guaranteeing the safety of the vehicle, this fitting also ensures that the steering wheel is always positioned correctly- safeguarding the passengers. 3. Windshield and Windshield Wipers: The rain sensing windshield automatically instruct the automatic wipers to clear the view when driving and this is meant to give this vehicle an impressive edge on the rest. 4. Xenon Adaptive Headlights: To cap it all, the car is fitted with Xenon adaptive headlights, which are a cutting edge invention allowing lighting up upon start thus reducing the run-up time (Autoblog). In regard to technological advancements on this model. All in all, this vehicle is indeed the ultimate BMW M3. Anyone who buys this sedan offers themselves an opportunity to sample luxury and technology the BMW way, all with a touch of
Abacus in the world Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Abacus in the world - Research Paper Example mechanical frame containing several rods on which are mounted wooden beads which can be slid manually into different positions and combinations to represent numbers†(188). Materials used to make early abacuses in different regions varied. For example, among the Maya and Aztec people of Mesoamerica, maize kernels threaded on strings were used instead of beads, while the Inca people who lived in Peru centuries ago had an abacus that was made up of a â€Å"tray with compartments that were arranged in rows in which counters were moved in order to make calculations†(Keoke and Porterfield 1). The abacus originated from the Middle East thousands of years ago. Jain asserts that its evolution took place in 3000 B.C. (7). Darling points out that â€Å"the word appears to come from the Hebrew á ºÅ¡bá ºÅ¡q (dust) or the Phoenician abak (sand) via the Greek abax, which refers to a small tray covered with sand to hold the pebbles steady†(3). Over the centuries, there have been different types of abacuses. The first type was called suanpan and was used in China in 1300 (Barnes-Svarney and Svarney 349). There is no agreement regarding who invented this type of abacus but it is that believed it was the Chinese, Japanese or Koreans. Barnes-Svarney and Svarney affirm that â€Å"although merchants used this type of abacus for standard addition and subtraction operations, it could also be used to determine square and cube roots of numbers†(349). The other type of abacus was the soroban or the Japanese abacus. Apart from the fact that it lacked a bead in the upper and lower deck of every column, it was very similar to the Chinese abacus. The Roman abacus also had one bead lacking from the upper and lower deck of every column making it very similar to the Japanese abacus. According to Barnes-Svarney and Svarney, â€Å"the Russians also have their own version of an abacus; it uses ten beads on each wire, and a single deck†(349). To separate the two wires, a wire with fewer beads is
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Sports Logistics & Event Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Sports Logistics & Event Planning - Essay Example It is always important and also necessary to send guardians to take care of the students and the best way of the sending few people to accompany the students is to bring along the teachers and other officials related to the school. In this way, there could be a great interaction with players as teachers could help out the students while interacting with players. Another thing is that safety of the whole group is ensured when there is someone accompanying them. Now that we are considering the trip, we also need to look at a financial aspect of the whole thing. Since we have mentioned that this trip is intended for the students of the school, one way of generating a part of funds is the use of the school donation money or the school deposits reserve. This way school can be a part of the whole affair and the trip would seem as an official visit to the school to the club and in way garner more respect and hence the hospitality levels of the whole trip attain new levels. Funds generated i n such a manner would also illustrate the levels of interaction with the education and sports bodies of the country. Another part of the funds can be generated by using a small amount of fee which is to be collected by the school authorities from the students who are taking part in the whole trip. Thus the concept of social responsibility of the individual towards the society also comes into picture wherein it is the responsibility of the students who are visiting the club to donate to the club for the development of the club in any manner. In this way funds of the trip can be generated to for the successful trip of the club. Now that we have discussed the methods and areas from where we can generate the funds, we need to look at the cost issue of whole trip so as to get an in depth idea about it. The following rates of the tours give us an idea about the cost of the trip. It is decided by the authorities of the club that along with tour of the club and related academies, visitors a lso are allowed to visit
Helping doing my essay, argumentative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Helping doing my , argumentative - Essay Example will discuss some of the ways in which social media addiction is exhibited, some of the reasons for why it happens, and some of the means by which individuals have come to realize and seek help with regards this particular addiction. However, it is the hope of this author that the reader will gain a more full and complete understanding of the means by which social media addiction is exhibited within an environment and the overall applications at this rather new level of personal addiction means with regards to society, interpersonal relations, studies, and work. Above all, before delving deeply into the subject matter, it must be understood by the reader that social media has experienced a great growth and differentiation from its earliest days. This of course stands to reason due to the fact that social media is ultimately an exhibition of technology which in an of itself grows and develops at a rapid rate. Without seeking to pick specifically on any particular platform of social media, one can of course see this growth and development exhibited within the means by which Facebook was originally intended merely as a means of linking individuals together. However, the definition and means by which this was affected has common to be seen as something of a shift (LaRose & Eastin, 2003). Comparatively, exhibitions such as twitter and other social networking sites now place the interconnectedness and friendship dynamics of individuals upon a secondary level of importance; choosing instead to focus upon the means by which seemingly endless status updates and tracking of activities/interests can be relayed within the community itself. In summary, although it is not the intention of this author to point to the fact that social networking is in and of itself negative, it must be noted that this particular shift has been described has necessarily increased the overall level of the addictive nature and addictive tendencies that are exhibited within its usage. All in all,
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Sports Logistics & Event Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Sports Logistics & Event Planning - Essay Example It is always important and also necessary to send guardians to take care of the students and the best way of the sending few people to accompany the students is to bring along the teachers and other officials related to the school. In this way, there could be a great interaction with players as teachers could help out the students while interacting with players. Another thing is that safety of the whole group is ensured when there is someone accompanying them. Now that we are considering the trip, we also need to look at a financial aspect of the whole thing. Since we have mentioned that this trip is intended for the students of the school, one way of generating a part of funds is the use of the school donation money or the school deposits reserve. This way school can be a part of the whole affair and the trip would seem as an official visit to the school to the club and in way garner more respect and hence the hospitality levels of the whole trip attain new levels. Funds generated i n such a manner would also illustrate the levels of interaction with the education and sports bodies of the country. Another part of the funds can be generated by using a small amount of fee which is to be collected by the school authorities from the students who are taking part in the whole trip. Thus the concept of social responsibility of the individual towards the society also comes into picture wherein it is the responsibility of the students who are visiting the club to donate to the club for the development of the club in any manner. In this way funds of the trip can be generated to for the successful trip of the club. Now that we have discussed the methods and areas from where we can generate the funds, we need to look at the cost issue of whole trip so as to get an in depth idea about it. The following rates of the tours give us an idea about the cost of the trip. It is decided by the authorities of the club that along with tour of the club and related academies, visitors a lso are allowed to visit
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Concept of surface area of a cube Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Concept of surface area of a cube - Essay Example When the bottom is joined to the sides, all four edges can be glued at the same time. That is, the bottom counts as one seam. After the bottom and sides are assembled, the top will be attached. Part 1 - The prerequisite skills necessary to complete this problem; Guiding the students so that they can calculate how many sheets of plywood must be used and determine how many solid seams must be made The prerequisites for this task include recognition of the cube and knowledge of its properties, and the concept of surface area in general. This in turn expects that the students have previously dealt with the concept of the square and flat area in earlier classes so that they can now grasp the concept of the surface area of the cube. The skills required are the ability to measure in feet, derive formulae, and perform simple addition and multiplication calculations related to working out areas, the time taken to complete a project, and the cost of materials. Besides this is the simple ability to compare quantities required at the final stage. They must also be familiar with the concept of 3 dimensions as found in objects around us; that there is a third measure of depth/height besides length and breadth of two dimensional objects and drawings. And, appreciate how we can use (apparently) two-dimensional materials (the plywood sheets) to construct three-dimensional objects (the cube shaped bin). Students should recognize that the number of pieces that need to be cut corresponds to the six faces of the cube. To account for the thickness of the sheets and allow the seams of edges to be made, four of these parts will have shorter dimensions than the 3 ft. x 3 ft. dimensions of the first two parts (from the first sheet for the top and bottom sides). Given the information contained in part 2 of the notes, the students should be aware how only 5 seams need to be made. The cube has 12 edges in total and two meet to form a seam except that in some cases more
A Characters View, Drugstore Cowboy Essay Example for Free
A Characters View, Drugstore Cowboy Essay One page essay for Theater 19 acting class Due March 13 2012 By Charles (Chuck) Borges March 13th 5:30am This short essay is about a character in the film â€Å"Drugstore Cowboy†Bob. This is what I think his character is like, and what’s going on in his life before this next scene. Bob is a ringleader or mastermind of an underdeveloped group of drug store robbing addicts who Procure their vices by stealing them from local pharmacies. Bob likes doing drugs. He likes the whole lifestyle. While in the proses of robbing these establishments, Bob gets a euphoric Sense of power. The adrenalin rush is like no other. He risks going to jail, and losing his Freedom to obtain that rush at any expense. As long as it doesn’t come out of pocket. You see, Bob is a poor man He’s a hype that can shoot up enough dope to kill a horse. But that was then, and this is now. As he sits and ponders his mass confusion that he Called a life, in a small room, in some apartment complex, ran by a person like himself. An X Junkie named Tom. To say the last six months have been easy on Bob would be a lie. Sobriety Is kicking his ass and He’s starting to feel bored and becoming restless at work. Not a good sign. The daily grind was starting to bore into Bob like a drill bit. The addiction was winning its way Back into his life and he knew it. Bob’s life was better now. He has his boring job, boring apartment, boring life. But all in all, a respectable existence, surrounded by regular people with regular, Similar lives. But he’s still feeling alone and thinking of the good times he used to have with a Certain somebody he shared his tawdry past with. He’s feeling melancholy about the way he left her, but knowing that deep in his heart , it was the best solution from a destructive path. But still he is wondering to himself ,†I wonder what ever happened to my buddy who’s girlfriend died, and if they will ever find her body . †I’m thinking , he’s wondering â€Å" Is Diane alright?
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Buddhism As A Path To Enlightenment
Buddhism As A Path To Enlightenment Buddhism is not about God or Gods, it does not supply a theory about what may happen in the afterlife, nor does it express views about creation; it is based in the world of daily living. Most religions have deep theoretical foundations they are built upon, and most people within such religions have faith that the theory is true. Buddhism does not address theories; it does not agree or disagree with any religion, but rather acknowledges religion as a means to live in a positive manner. Buddhism is about enlightening the person, regaining the compassion and wisdom inside, thus resulting in freedom from suffering. Buddhism is about living a life of peaceful serenity. Originating in a region near India over two-thousand years ago, Buddhism is becoming a religion that is revered and practiced worldwide. Buddhist spirituality is viewed as something from within, an innate goodness in all humans that has been lost can now be found through practice and meditation. Buddhists must motivate themselves, and rely on their own efforts, not those of a charismatic leader. If followers of the Buddha began to revere the man, they would become distracted from their task impeding spiritual progress. Mark W. Muesse, a professor of religious studies, reveals, Buddhist spirituality promotes a form of life that provides an antidote to the stresses of modern living. As a counterpoint to the haste and hurry, the noise and confusion of this world, Buddhism prescribes a life of quietness and tranquility, a life of contemplation and gentle awareness. (Muesse, 2002). Buddhists may have come from a variety of religions; for example, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Muslim, and Atheism. To find true wisdom and compassion is to see the world as it really is, and live life without being the center of the whole. To be s uccessful, Buddhism teaches a person to actively practice, and work to channel the mindset of self-centeredness into one of compassion. Buddhism originated in India around the sixth or fourth centuries BCE, and is based on the teachings of also referred to as the Buddha. (Muesse, 2002). Siddharthas journey to find truth, spirituality, and learn how to solve the problems of suffering, led him to extensive meditations. Over a period of about seven years, he endured exhaustion and starvation while experimenting with various meditations searching for enlightenment, but made no progress. On the verge of death due to fatigue, he finally rested, had a nutritious meal, and then decided to meditate again until he found the answer to suffering. As the sky began to lighten following day, he too felt illuminated, happy, and relieved; after seven years of searching, Siddhartha reached the state of enlightenment. He then realized that in order to become enlightened, he must keep himself healthy so his mind would be fit. He set forth to teach others, regardless of caste, his enlightenment, the method of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. Siddhartha traveled from city to city teaching the importance of not losing ones self by allowing passions to consume, but rather exis t without indulging in selfish cravings, leaving one free to be happy. (Simpkins Simpkins, 2000). (Armstrong, 2001). The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism and the Eightfold Path are the starting points for all Buddhist variations. This doctrine is Buddhas (Siddharthas) diagnosis and prescription for treating human suffering and finding true happiness. (Simpkins Simpkins, 2000). Noble Truth one: Life Is Suffering. Birth is suffering, illness is suffering, aging is suffering, and death is suffering. When a person looks at life realistically, it is full of fleeting happiness followed by inevitable sorrow, the years go by faster, and faster, it is a no-exit path to death. Even when things seem to be at their best, it is not completely satisfying. People have come to want more and more from life and that is the core of the problem, egocentric desire. This is Buddhas diagnosis. (Simpkins Simpkins, 2000). Noble Truth two: The Root of Suffering. Egocentric desires are the root of suffering; the selfish grasping after pleasures and evasion of pain. Self-centered yearnings can never truly be fulfilled, leaving behind feelings of irritation, frustration, and even anger. Anger is one of the main reasons for causing distress to others; it also will cause suffering within. People constantly engage in actions that cause anguish, either directly or indirectly. (Simpkins Simpkins, 2000). Noble Truth three: You Can End Suffering. Knowing that going beyond suffering is possible through internal transformation is the point of this truth. Suffering and the causes of suffering are dependant on a persons state of mind, therefore, by changing the way one perceives the world mentally, also changes the amount of suffering incurred. (Simpkins Simpkins, 2000). Noble Truth four: The Eightfold Path. This is the prescription, a means to find freedom from suffering. People can end their suffering and dilemmas by controlling the body and mind in a positive manner to help others instead of doing them harm, and by creating mental wisdom. Once this renewal is complete, a person can enjoy the state of Nirvana, free of problems. This is the path leading to the mental transformation, and cessation of suffering. The Eightfold Path is a guide meant to help people work out their difficulties, become liberated from suffering, and come across happiness. Right Views is the first step on this path to discover happiness. Once a person understands what is wrong and becomes familiarized with the transformation process, gaining the knowledge of what will need to be accomplished in order to achieve success, they will be pointed in the right direction. Right Intention is the second step. A person has to feel this is really what they want to do, and be willing to maintain this commitment along their journey. Dedication to this endeavor is necessary to become successful. The third step is Right Speech, meaning a person needs to listen to what is said, how it was said, and why it was said. Curbing the use of negative intonations, and derogatory remarks will contribute to the positivity inside instead of nourishing the negativity inside. Awareness and self-examination can help a person communicate in a more positive, harmonious way. Right Conduct is the fourth step, encouraging a person to be aware of their motives, as well as their conduct. Upon self-observation, a person may become aware of unconscious actions that incur negativity. Then reflect on those negative actions, discover the motivation, and work towards positive actions. The fifth step on the path to enlightenment is Right Livelihood. Most people spend the majority of their lives working; find inner peace in a positive occupation. A person working in a negative environment acquires negative feelings. These negative feelings can become overwhelming, and then aimed in the direction of others, in turn causing suffering. Right Effort is the sixth step. By exerting positive effort, a person will begin to notice positive changes within their life. Right effort also means to pace ones self; do not over examine every word said or action taken, as this can become disturbing over a short period of time. The seventh step is Right Tho ught. This step lends confidence in taming the mind. Thoughts, feelings, and sensations are erratic, and short-lived. Simpkins explained this simply, The concrete sense people have of themselves is merely a series of experiences that seem to blend together into one. In reality, the ego is nothing more than this series of experiences. (Simpkins Simpkins, 2000, p.56). Right Concentration is the final step on the Eightfold Path to enlightenment. In this step, a person pulls together the skills learned from each of the previous steps and places them into the practice of meditation. Meditation, concentrated awareness, allows a person to see through the illusions, seeing the world as it really is, a direct perception. (Simpkins Simpkins, 2000). All religions incorporate meditations in with their faith in one form or another; such as prayer, reciting mantras, all the way to induced states wherein visions are seen, gibberish is spoken in the language of tongues, or voices are heard, which are usually the deities, spirits, or other supernatural beings for that particular religion. Buddhist meditations are different. Francis Story points out, The Christian who has seen Jesus, or the Hindu who has conversed with Bhagavan Krishna may be quite satisfied that he has fulfilled the purpose of his religious life, but the Buddhist who sees a vision of the Buddha knows by that very fact that he has only succeeded in objectifying a concept in his own mind. (Story, 1995-2010). Buddhists embrace two distinct types of meditation: dhyana, meditation that clears the mind, and prajna, meditation that fills the mind. Usually these two meditations are performed together. Several variations of Buddhist meditations exist today, some methods are fo r developing mindfulness and concentration, yet others focus on breathing and visualizations. Meditation enhances awareness, and by being aware, one becomes wise. Meditation also calms the mind, allowing a person to feel at ease while reflecting upon life with positive focus. The discipline that Buddhist meditations establishes in a person can be applied to life situations; it teaches clear thinking without bias, and concentration so the mind will be able focus intently on any given situation. Buddhism is a religion based on real life without theorizing about things that can never be solidified. It is a religion that holds no bias toward any other religion, nor do many other religions hold a bias for Buddhism. The doctrines within Buddhism urges the need for humanity to become humane again, to let go of selfish desires, negative intentions, and be thoughtful of all. Experiences, and a persons reactions to them, create the ambience of the path of life a person leads. Buddhism is the embodiment of peaceful existence in a world that has become wrought with despair and suffering.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Babe Ruth :: essays research papers
Babe Ruth During the roaring twenties, there were many outstanding baseball players. One of the best outstanding baseball players of all times was Babe Ruth.      Babe Ruth was born on February 6, 1895, on the outskirts of Baltimore, Maryland. He was the son of a saloonkeeper, George Herman Ruth, Sr. At age seven he was placed in the St. Mary’s Industrial School for boys because his parents couldn’t control him anymore. After twelve years of basically being locked up he was released in 1914 so that he could play professional baseball.      One key person in Ruth’s life was Brother Matthias. Matthias encouraged George to play baseball. By age 12, he was already on the varsity team. Matthias pushed Ruth to be a right-handed catcher since there was no left-handed catcher’s mitt.      George Herman’s professional career started in 1914 when the Boston Red Sox picked him up as a left-handed pitcher. After 158 games, Ruth had a pitching record of 89-46 and had 3 World Series wins and no losses. When Ruth’s pitching career ended, he had a 2.28 earned run average and was just getting started with his all time hitting career. Babe Ruth set many hitting records in his 22 years of baseball. â€Å"The Babe†was given many new nicknames over the years. Some for example were: â€Å"The Sultan of Swat,†â€Å"The Callasses of Clout,†â€Å"The Great Bambino,†and â€Å"The Babe.†In 22seasons, he led the league 12 times with home run records. In 1921, Ruth had a record setting 60 homers, which no one broke until Hank Aaron in 1974. In 1935, George Herman Ruth hung up his uniform for the last time with leaving professional baseball. With 714 career homeruns and some great memories, The Babe led his team to The World Series in 1923, 1927, 1928, and 1932.
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